Sports Festival Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"K-Katsu-Katsuki-" You bawled out, running to him, and pulling him into a hug. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, your feet barely touching the ground, as he stood there, frozen for what seemed like an eternity. You felt warm arms wrap around your back, as he hid his face in your shoulder. You heard several aws from around you, but you ignored it. "I-I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just that... That-" You were cut off, by Katsuki tightening his hold on you.

"I know how much it means to you to avenge them, and although it annoys me how you would put them over you, I won't stop you. You just need to be careful, or you are going to get hurt, and not be able to avenge them." He muttered into your shoulder, as stronger tears willed their way to the corners of your eyes. You felt them slip down your face, as you burrowed your face in Katsuki's shoulder, sobbing into him.

Everyone around you was staring at you with soft eyes, while some scattered around where talking about how determined they were. Many from the crowd stared at the pair of you with binoculars. What you didn't know, was that there was a huge screen that had a camera shooting a shot of the both of you.

"Well isn't that sweet!" The announcer brimmed with happiness, sniffing. "It made me cry. Touches the heart." You looked up, to see the big screen showing a shot of the two of you hugging, as you squeaked, flinching slightly, red finding its way to show against your features.

"Ka-Katsuki-" You stuttered out, as he let go of you, and you pointed to the screen, and he looked to see a video of the both of you, and a hashtag at the bottom, saying 'Relationship goals', and 'Love'. You stared in awe at the screen, as a vein on Katsuki's head popped out. "W-Why?" You asked, your brain feeling fried.

You saw a camera man walk up to you, shoving his camera in your face, and smirking at you behind the screen. Katsuki looked to the man, and pushed the camera away. "Learn personal space man!" He hissed, as the man continued to try and get the shot. You hid in Katsuki's chest, not wanting to feel all of the eyes trained on you. "Dude, get lost!" He sneered.

"What is that man doing?"

"Sheesh. A grown up like him should know personal space."

"Can't he tell that Y/N is uncomfortable with that?"

You sat there, watching everything unravel, not moving a muscle, or saying a word. Just staying. It felt as if time froze for a second, as you looked around, at everyone surrounding you. You again felt a deadly pair of eyes on you, as you turned to the crowd, your eyes again finding the man with the blue hair. You recognized that hair... Then it hit you.

You stepped back in fear and anger, as a small wind circled around you. Katsuki let go of you, as he looked at your retreating form in confusion. You gritted your teeth, staring at the man in the crowd. "That bitch thinks he can spy on me, huh?" You hissed.

"Y/N, What the hell are you talking about?" Katsuki questioned.

"That son of a bitch is here." You stated, standing up straight, as the wind circling you became stronger. Katsuki looked at you in awe, utterly confused by who 'that son of a bitch' was. "If he even thinks I won't destroy him, then he had another thi-" You started as you felt a hand grab your shoulder, as you snapped your head to a confused Eijirou, who was trying to calm you, since everyone had noticed the power surge of wind circling you.

"Y/N. You need to calm down." Eijirou said, turning you to him, and holding both of your shoulders. There seemed to be a calming effect he had. "We are going to the next part of the festival. Ok?" He questioned, as the wind came to a stop, and you nodded slowly.


For the next round of the festival, it was a team like game. You were supposed to join with three other people, and made a pyramid, with one person on top. The person on top was not allowed to touch the ground with their feet. Points were scored by what place you got in in the obstacle course, and the points for your team was all of the teammates points added up. After the numbers were added, the person on top had a headband saying the number. The object of the game was to steal other's headbands, while keeping yours.

If your's was taken, you were still allowed to steal from others. The final three teams would go to the last part of the festival. There were a bunch of teams, and you were going to count, but you soon were grabbed by Izuku and Uraraka, to be on a team with them, and Iida. You nodded, as you all counted up your points. The thing is, none of you cared what number you had, you just knew it was high, due to Izuku winning first place.

In your team, you were assigned positions. You were in charge of retreats, and launching across the area, to make it so you were more mobile, Iida was in charge of strengthening the launches, while also keeping you mobile, while Uraraka made it to you were all the weight of one person, so that it would be easier for Iida and you to use your quirks.


You couldn't breath, and it felt like your lungs were collapsing. You looked around, to see that your team was in third place. When did that happen? Weren't you all about to start? You turned slightly, releasing the weight on your shoulders. Izuku was still up there? What had happened?

"Y/N-" A voice started to fade into your ears. "Y/N! What happened! You went quiet for the whole time, and you started doing a bunch of reckless stuff!" Iida yelled from behind you. You looked at him, in confusion.

"GAME OVER!" Present mic yelled... Or at least it sounded like him. I mean, he was a radio show host, it would make sense for him to be the announcer.

"Y/N!" Izuku called, as Iida and Uraraka helped him down, and he turned you to him. "What is going on with you! You just went mute for the whole time, and you didn't say one thing!" He yelled at you, as you looked at him with confusion.

"Weren't we just about to start? I blinked, and then when I opened my eyes, it was hard to breath, and we were in third, and I am confused... What happened?" You questioned in complete confusion. A crowd started to gather around you again. "What is going on!" You questioned, rubbing your head, and feeling your stomach churn slightly. You felt the need to throw up again, but you disregarded it.

Everyone looked at you in awe, as if you were a crazy person. "You are telling me you don't remember anything of what you did? You knocked over two of the teams with your quirk you know!" A person from Class 1B yelled at you, as you flinched back, and shook your head."

You felt a strong hand on your shoulder, as you saw Eijirou glaring at the boy. "She doesn't remember. You shouldn't pry." He spat at the 1B boy. You smiled up at him. You were thankful that you had become friends, even though it hadn't been long, but he was kind of like an older brother to you.

'Thank you.' You mouthed to him, giving him a smile, as he nodded his head. "Now everyone, we have to continue with the festival, okay?" He told the crowd, as they all nodded. You felt the crowd of students avert their eyes from you, and begin to conversate, and stretch and all. Eijirou turned to you. "You sure you are okay?"

"Yeah... Everything is just a little confusing. I think I am going to go sit down..." You stated as you began walking to a nearby wall, as you slid down it, leaning against the wall, as your legs fell to the ground. You sighed, relaxing, and looking up at the sky. "What the hell is going on with me?" You muttered, pushing your hair out of your face.

Authors Notes:

HEYO HEYO! It is alexa and Cake, the Authors, bringing you Pt. 2 to the sports festival (each part is each competition, sooooo)

If you have any ideas, please comment, and we will try to incorprate it somehow! (We like getting ideas, and it is very helpful to the development to the story, so keep those brains working!)

See all y'all soon! BAI!

I'm Just Your Problem//Katsuki Bakugou X Reader (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now