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hope you enjoy cuz i dont have a set schedule yet; its summer soo it may (will) be spastic

i also wont have many curses, triggers, or smut cuz its percabeth n stuff sooooo...

Also music helps with this ok?

Also no hate to Rachel in this chapter she is awesome btw...

Percabeth isnt together in this


(Third Person POV)
Annabeth didn't know what to think about a certain son of Poseidon. Their parents are rivals but they made it past that....hopefully. She thought she should hate him but she just couldn't bring herself to push away the lovable idiot. Just his laid back personality and stupid smile and his humor just made her like him even more. Like him. She felt like she wanted something more and she was going to do that....until she came along. That mortal Rachel Dare was taking Percy from her. He was always with her and vice versa and seemed to drift from Annabeth. She wanted to hate Percy for that, but she still liked him. She missed going on mini quests with him, training together and just chilling at the beach with her best friend. She guessed she couldnt do that now, because her longing is crushing her.
Percy was confused as to why Annabeth hated him as of right now. He missed her. All of her, but not in a wierd kind of way. He was with Rachel, yes, but he didn't really want to be. Yes, him and Rachel are friends but not best friends. He missed being able to tell inside jokes with Annabeth or sparring with her, heck even just sharing those silences with her he missed. He was wondering if he just messed something up between them and now she is hurting him by distancing herself. He would try to talk to her but she would snap at him and walk away. She didn't seem to care about him anymore but deep down he knew she still cared. He still wanted her and she still wanted him, but Rachel was hurting them both by being with Percy more often. If only she would talk to him they could sort it out because he was slowly going insane as days turned into weeks as they grew more distant. He knew they had to move on if their friendship wouldn't work out. He guessed their parentage was enough warning that it wouldn't work out but he persisted and still does. He talks to her, but its more one sided and misses hearing her voice and doesnt know what her feels for her. His nights are lonely now, knowing that his once best friend is ignoring him for something he doesnt know of. He likes Annabeth, but yet he hates her for ignoring him. He wants to move on, yes, but always thinks about her.
She watches them interact with each other. At the beach they always talk and laugh with each other and they don't even spare a glance at Annabeth. He was probably one of those players and never cared and just wanted the fame. But he was loyal, and caring and kind....he wouldn't do that. Still, he was growing distant as the days went on. He was hurting her from the inside as her heart slowly broke into pieces by watching her best friend move on.
They tried to reason with each other. Oh, how they tried. But they both thought they didn't want their relationship to continue as they both grew distant from each other. When they were apart they were lonely and would break from the inside, seeing how unhappy both were but didn't show it. They seemed to hate each other, but still couldnt get passed their love. They both learned one thing when Rachel came along though.....

Love hurts.


i hope you enjoyed!! my first chapter was supposed to be fluffy but turned sad as i put the song in the media but meh

Next chapter will be later ir tomorrow maybe idk

Stay awesome!!


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