ch. 7: Restraint

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"So why do we need their help?" Isaac asked Derek as they and Erica were stepping out of the subway train.

"'Cause it's harder to kill than I thought," Derek said, answering as I turned around to face them. "And I still don't know who it is."

"And they do?" Isaac asked.

"They might," Derek replied, walking further out of the subway train with Isaac and Erica following. Then he turned to them. "Which is why I need one of you to get on their good side. Tara's being difficult and won't go to school."

I shook my head simply. "Nope. And I'm pretty sure if I did, I'd be killed anyway."

Isaac nodded. "Yeah, the school's crawling with Argents."

"Fine," Derek said. "Then that leaves you and Erica."

"Hmm," Erica hummed. "Scott or Stiles?"

Derek turned his head. "Either."

"You know, the full moon's coming, Derek," I said, boredom and annoyance filling my voice, a little sarcasm.

Derek turned to look at me. "I'm aware of that."

He opened the trunk in front of him, taking out chains meant for Erica, Isaac and Boyd.

He set one chain down while Erica reached for another, holding them up. "My, these look comfortable."

Derek took them and set them down as Isaac said, "You said you were gonna teach us to change whenever we wanted."

"There hasn't been time," Derek replied.

"But if you have to lock us up during the full moon, that means you and Tara are alone against the Argents."

"They haven't found us," he pointed out as he started to walk away.

"Yet," Isaac said. I started to walk for the subway train. "So why don't we just forget the kanima?"

I turned around again. "We can't!"

Isaac looked away from me to Derek, waiting for an explanation. Derek provided one, "There was something about the way Gerard looked at it. He wasn't afraid. At all. Now, I don't know what he knows, or what he's planning, but I'm sure about one thing. We have to find it first."

Derek and I looked at each other. We were pretty sure it was one person who was bit by an Alpha, but didn't turn, and even if he had passed the venom test. We saw Lydia right after the kanima had disappeared, so we knew it wasn't her.

It was Jackson.

Pretty sure, not totally.

We just needed either Erica or Isaac to confirm.


Something had gone terribly wrong. We didn't know where Isaac was, but Stiles and Scott came bearing gifts--Jackson was the kanima, and Erica was having a seizure when becoming a werewolf should have stopped that.

It was because of the venom.

Derek carried Erica in the subway train with me, Stiles and Scott following behind. He lowered with her to the ground, and I told Stiles, "Hold her."

He scurried down behind Erica, holding her from behind while I leaned down next to Scott and Derek, in front of Erica.

"Is she dying?" Stiles asked me and Derek.

"She might," Derek admitted, sounding off-balance.

I rolled up her jacket sleeve. "Which is why this is gonna hurt."

I did what I did best other than running--breaking people's arm. I had broke Scott and Isaac's too.

Using both of my hands, I turned them in opposite directions, applying some pressure, enough to break her arm.

She screamed like she really was dying.

"You broke her arm!" Stiles exclaimed.

"It'll trigger the healing process,".I said simply. "That's how you get the venom out. This is where it's really gonna hurt."

I squeezed tightly on Erica's arm, spliting skin and causing her to bleed, and she screamed even more so than a minute ago.

Even after all the grief I had gave Derek, Isaac, Erica and Boyd about them being kids who couldn't take care of themselves and could possibly end up being the cause of our deaths . . . . I didn't want any of them to die. I was a harsh, stone-cold bitch with trust issues sometimes--all of the time--but that didn't mean I wanted them dead.

Erica's screaming and crying came to an end, leaning her head back against Stiles, still weak, but fine.

"Stiles, you make a good Batman," Erica said.

I sighed, finally releasing her arm, standing and walking out, and I knew that Derek and Scott were exchanging confused glances as I grabbed a rag from nearby and wiped Erica's blood from my hands as they followed me out.

"You guys know who it is," Scott stated as I turned to face him and Derek.

Derek looked to the side, sighing, and then sitting down. "Jackson."

"You just wanted Erica to confirm it," Scott said. "Didn't you?" I nodded. "I'm gonna help you stop him as part of your pack." Both of our gazes turned to him with a mixture of shock and confusion. "If you want me in, fine. But we do it on one condition. We're gonna catch him, not kill him."

"And?" I prompted, knowing that there was more.

"We do it my way."

I slowly nodded. Seemed reasonable.

"Okay," I said for both of us. Derek looked at me, then turned to Scott, nodding.

Looked like we had a deal.

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