ch. 3: Ice Pick

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Derek adapted yet another person into the pack. A girl from the same school Isaac, Scott and Stiles went to, Erica Reyes.

It completely transformed her.

Derek was pissing me off though.

Turning a bunch of teenagers? Was he serious? None of these kids would be much of a pack against the Argents or whatever else might have came our way, but he wasn't even listening to me. Isaac couldn't even go to school because he was a fugitive, so . . . what the hell was all of this?

And, yet, he was turning one more. A guy named Boyd.

How was I gonna keep up with all of this?

"You're an idiot," I told Derek.

He turned to me with an annoyed sigh, looking at me with an amused expression like he knew what I was talking about, crossing his arms. "And why is that?"

"Because you're turning the self-esteemed lacking loners that don't have anything, knowing they'd say yes, and they don't know the first thing about surviving everything that we have to go through everyday."

"That's why we're gonna teach them," he told me, looking to the side.

"No, not we," I said. "You."

"Would you at least get in the car?" 


"Would you rather end up getting enrolled in school?" 

"Don't hold that over my head," I said, walking past him and up the stairs of the hide out to the car. Isaac was already in the backseat, and I got in the front.

I didn't know where I was going, but at the moment, I didn't care.

The ice rink, where Boyd worked. Scott was there, talking to the newest pack member.

"He told me about the hunters," Boyd said as we got there, but not in the actual rink yet.

"And that's not enough for you to say no?" Scott asked when Erica walked in behind us. "Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it."

"I just want to not eat lunch alone everyday."

"If you--if you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek and Tara."

"That really hurts, Scott," Derek said as I tilted my head up in confusion at the mention of me. "In Tara's defense, she's not having any decision in these turnings whatsoever . . . " I shook my head expressively. "But . . I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a concensus." He gestured to Erica and Isaac. "Erica, how's life been for you since we met?"

"In a word . . ." she trailed off. "Transformative."

She gave out a very fierce growl, and Derek turned to Isaac. "Isaac?"

"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but, other than that, I'm great," Isaac said.

"Okay, hold on," Scott said. "This isn't exactly a fair fight."

"Then go home, Scott," Derek told him.

When Scott didn't move, Derek nodded to Erica and Isaac, who started to walk forward.

Scott bent down and punched the ice, breaking into it with the werewolf strength, already shifting and looking up. "I meant fair for them."

Then, like Erica had, he let out a very dramatic growl.

My head turned boredly, my eyes following Isaac as Scott threw him into the plexi glass wall and knocked him to the ground, and Erica was next to fight, but Scott just kicked her back.

I sighed, turning away from the fight and starting to walk for the door, the fight still happening behind me, and I didn't pay attention, and I looked at Derek. "What the hell are you doing?"

 "Shut up," he said.

The whole time we were talking, Boyd was sitting there watching the fight that was still going on. "You know you're acting like an idiot, right?"

Derek looked down with a smirk, but I didn't think it was because of me. To prove that thought right, Scott was having a little speech to Isaac, Erica and Boyd. "Don't you get it? He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power. It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's given you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs."

Scott slid both Erica and Isaac to Derek's and my feets, and I let out another annoyed sigh as Derek said, "it's true. It is about power."

Stepping past them, Derek got out his claws, and I tilted my head back in annoyance because I knew that he was gonna kick Scott's ass, already rolling his neck and growling. I looked away in boredom and annoyance as he head-butted him, slashing at his stomach, looking back only when Scott yelled out in pain. Derek punched him twice with both of his arms, and then in the stomach. When he tried to grab him, Scott turned and elbowed him in the face and making him step back.

And Scott still thought that he had a chance against Derek, raising his fists as Derek stepped up again, grabbing his neck and punching him twice in the face, then hitting it with his elbow, then punching again, and knocking him to the ground. Scott spit out blood, coughing and Derek stepped on Scott's chest.

He left his foot there for about five seconds, not moving it.

"Enough," I said in annoyance, boredom. "You proved you point, let it go."

Finally, listening to me, Derek removed his foot and letting Scott cough. He walked back toward Erica, me and Isaac, both of them standing up again. Boyd jumped down to help Scott. "Don't. You don't wanna be like them," Scott said.

"You're right," Boyd said, lifting his shirt to show the bite mark. "I wanna be like you."

I rolled my eyes, turning around for the door and leaving first, tired of the games, and Derek started to follow, and Erica, Isaac and Boyd following too.

Derek was seriously pissing me off.

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