Chapter 4

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I've been trying to avoid him like a plague. The keyword there being "trying". I don't think I have ever hard a problem with anyone at school. Or outside school. Or anywhere in my life, really. It is hard to say that when you don't remember a major portion of your life, right? 

Anyways.... Back to the problem at hand. Vritra has ruined my peace. I can't even third-wheel with Emma and Charlie now. Aimee loves to "report" all his latest accomplishments to me. Then there are the boys, discussing his conquests with girls (I did't realize that there were so many girls who wanted to get in his pants!!). The idiot will be sitting there with a sly grin on his face, and then check me out to see if it was bothering me.

And the trouble is... It is bothering me. And it is bothering me that it is bothering me when it shouldn't. I think I've a crush on the guy. There... I said it!! And now.. I'm in trouble.

I had spaced out, again. We were lounging about in Charlie's living room, watching Supernatural. Charlie and Emma were cuddled together on the chaise lounge. I was snuggling with a blanket on the love-seat sofa. And Vritra was sprawled on the bean bag.

And whilst I spaced out and was deep in my thoughts, I had started staring at Vritra. The trouble was, he had noticed it when I hadn't. And when I did notice, it was too late to safe myself.

"Yes princess, can I help you?"

The nerve of that... that.. Jerk-face!! There he goes teasing me again.

"No, I don't think you can. Bad-ass"

Emma and Charlie snickered at that. They have been trying to convince me that Vritra is teasing me because he was in love with me. Yeah, right!! I'm not a kindergartener. You can't convince me that a boy is being mean to me out of love. They are mean because they are jerks.

He started calling me a princess and I started calling him bad-ass just as a retort. I think it just  irks him how I'm not falling at his feet begging for his attention. Now the bickering and name-calling has become a habit.

"Are you feeling cold, Thea?"


"You sure you don't want me there to warm you up?"

"No. Go back to Blaire or Brittany or whoever it is you are fooling around now. Stop irritating me."

I saw his lips twitching as if he was trying to hide his smile. Ohh... Shit!! Did I just let him know that it was irking me too.....??

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2016 ⏰

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