Chapter 1

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Ever had one of those days when all you want to do is snuggle up with your pillows and lay back in your bed, but everything around you screams at you to get back up? Yeah... I'm having one of those days.

"Thea!! Wake up!!! You are going to be late for school."


"Alright, alright.. I'm up, Tom"

Tom is my dad. As in 'foster' dad. A year back, I was in an accident which orphaned me. Apparently, I got into a huge aftershock that made me forget all about me. I didn't even respond to my name at first. But... I've got all my IDs proving that I'm Thea. At least, that is what I assume.

Assumptions.... That is all that my life is now.

"Theaaa.. Come on! We have to leave."

That's Emma. My awesome BFF and Tom's daughter.

"Just come in, girl. I'm almost done."

"Thea.. Don't mop your butt all around the floor. We have to meet Charlie before he leaves for practice."

"Blah blah blah... We always meet up with him. It's not like he is going off to planet Mars for football practice, Emma. If we miss him in the morning, we will catch up with him at lunch hour."

"The pain of love, my darling. Your non-empathetic sorry ass won't get it till you fall in love."

"Chill, baby. Just the lipstick... There, I'm done."

The sweet scent of eggs and cheese hit me before I set foot on the stairs.

"Ahh.... The aroma itself fills up my stomach. What have I done to be blessed with you in my life, Clarice?"

Okay, don't ask. Clarice is my foster mom, Tom's wife of eighteen years and Emma's mom of... Well, since Emma's birth. I love her to bits. I love them all. I know that people would be thinking that I'm some strange kid or something like that. But, they have never made me feel like I'm an outsider. I felt welcomed-needed, in fact- from the moment they came into my life.

"That's fantastic, Thea. So, I guess, you don't have to stop to eat your breakfast. Charlie won't wait all day, you know!"

Thankfully, Tom stepped in before Emma started pouting.

"It's okay, girls. I've packed it for both of you. Just make sure you guys eat it, though. I don't want my princesses to go starving. Love you. Bye."

"Love you too, Tom."

"Love you, dad. Hugs. Kisses. And I'm outta the door."

"And may be, one day your daughter will say that to you too."

We all had a good laugh while I hoped into Emma's car. That is why I loved them all so much. They are fun to be with. I call them Tom and Clarice just out of practice. They are my parents by all means and purposes.

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