Chapter 2

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Lakeshore High, the school we go to, is in close proximity to where we live. If we weren't that bothered about being sweaty-stinky masses of mess, we would have made an exercise out of the trip to school. Charlie was waiting for us at the parking lot, along with the rest of his team, when we reached the school about twelve minutes later. He lightly jogged up to us and soon enough Emma was in his arms.

There are times like these when I become the literal definition of a third-wheel. No, seriously! Look up the definition of third-wheel and you would probably find my photo there. "Come on guys... We talked about this. I feel like I'm intruding into your private moments." was all I could get out of me before I was pulled into their hug.

"Well, it's not really private if we are hugging in a parking lot. And you wouldn't be intruding if it's a group hug, right?" said Charlie into my hair. Emma started laughing with him.. And soon I joined in too.

Here's the thing. I enjoy my time at school. I don't belong to any 'groups' at school. Charlie and Emma are my friends. Charlie, as you know, is in the football team. That makes us welcome in their gang, practice games and matches. Emma, his girlfriend, is quite popular and are friends with the 'popular girls'. And me, being her best friend is welcome with them too. Also, I work with the school paper and magazines. So, I'm not alienated from the 'nerds' as some would put it. But in all honesty, being in all three circles, I can say that apart from the differences in interests, they aren't much different. 

We heard out first bell go off in the school. "Hey girl, I wanna go to the locker before our first period. See you in class? Or are you coming?" asked Emma. 

"Nah, I'm going to class. I've 2 long hours in English. " I replied.

When I turned on my way to the class, I saw a very excited Aimee. The moment I met her eyes she blurted out, " A cutie at the reception. I think he is a transfer!!!"

"Really..? How is he?"

"Hmm.. Let's see.. Dark hair - so black that it's almost blue in the light, dark eyes.. May be black or dark brown. Tan. Gives off a total 'Mystery Boy' vibe." Aimee and I work in the paper together. She's the photographer. So don't get wierded out at how she is giving me details.

"May be it'll be your lucky term this time, Aimee."

Mr. Flynn, our English teacher, was already in his chair when we both entered.

"Settle down class."

There was a knock on the door while we were all hurrying to our seats. I missed who ever entered because I was making my way to the very back. I like Mr. Flynn's classes. He is one the teachers whom I like. But having to sit in the front or anywhere near the teacher is a big no-no for me. 

I was reading our syllabi when a deep voice from front distracted me. I looked up to see the back of a person... A shabby mess of dark black ( What am I even saying?!! It's all black.) hair and shoulders set in a very composed posture. From where I could see, he was in a deep conversation with the teacher. 

"Okay class. Mr. Vritra here is new in school and I expect all of you to make him feel welcomed. Now Vritra, please take a seat." 

I was watching the new boy and from the moment he turned around we were looking at each other. We were locked in the eyes and it was almost as if he was daring me to look away. 

I thought he was going to make his way to the empty seat right beside me, when he waved an said a little "Hi" to me. I froze on spot till he went to a seat in the front row. 

"Did he just say hi to you? OMG!! He totally likes you!!"

"Aimee... NO!! He was just pulling his bad-boy attitude. And there is no way I'm going to like him with his jerk-ward ways."

I sneaked a peek to where he was sitting and there he was... Looking right at me with an eyebrow raised as if in a question. 

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