|5|Party Preperation

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Every kid approached us.

"Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh," they teased,"Alex and Isla sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-"

Once they finished with the N, I started ticking them all the best that I could.

They started tickling me back too. Wait. Where's Alex?

I saw that he was helping the little kids tickle me? He was on right side of the stage. I was on the left side of the stage.

"Okay, Lyn you go on te left side," Alex whispered, "Jen, you go to the right side."

I think he thought that he was whispering very quietly. Nope. I think everyone heard him.

He was too busy talking to the 2, he didn't see me planning too.

"ATTACK!" I shouted.

All the kids on my team, started tickling Alex. Even Lyn and Jen started ticking him.

"Kids! Please get on, on what you're supposed to do!" A mom shouted, nicely.

Earl came up on the stage.

"Lyn," I directioned her to come to me.

I carried her, facing away from Earl. I took a quick glance back.

Alex and Earl giving each other a bro hug?


They can't be friends.

Few hours have passed. I stayed with the little kids because they were playing minecraft on my phone.

Alex and Earl were over on the left side. The hall was looking amazing. It was white and blue themed too. I remebered my 7th birthday.

I miss Philippines.

We haven't had a vacation to Philippines in 3 years.

"Children, time to go now," another mom said,"come back in 2 hours for the party."

The party will be at 5:30 pm.

Our family travelled home, which took us 10 minutes.

I was too excited to not try on my dress. Once I got home, I entered the house and went straight upstairs. I took the gown out of my closet and tried it on.

"Wow, Isla, you look beautiful," Mom complimented. "Now get it off, we have to put your make up on and the foundation might get on the dress."

I took it off and found something random in the closet and put it on.

My mom put loads of stuff on my face. I don't even know what thing they are.

All I knew, was that there is loads of make up on my face.

I put on the pure white gown.

"Stunning," mom complimented again.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"What?" She hesitated.

"You haven't even got ready yet!"

She paused for a moment, thinking what I just said. She rushed down to te next room, which was my parents' room.

*Skip to when it's time to leave*

"Isla, it's time to leave!" She informed me.

I walked down the stairs, slowly because of my dress. My mom looked at my shoes.

"Isla..." She calmly said," please wear some heels."

"No, I want to wear these," I complained "Plus they won't see it under my dress."

She just shrugged.

I enetered the car. Time to go!


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