You Don't Know Me

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Lucas checked through his office one more time, just to be sure that it was clean of bugs and nothing new had magically popped up. It was the middle of the day and so he was understandably the only one there, especially being closed on a Monday. He had to catch up on moving some of the money into legal means though, since they were generating more through the club.

It had allowed them to expand their drug sales safely, passing most of the money in under the door of the club. An Italian restaurant could only make so much money before it became suspicious, but a club pulled in more revenue to begin with. That, and the money from the bank loans was starting to come through, filtering in through their outside shell companies.

Tony and the other higher ups were still very pleased with the idea—even though only one loan had been approved; it had brought in a few million by itself. It was more than they had been able to bring it at once in years.

Lucas got a text from Nick, asking to go out for dinner. It made Lucas smile to himself, and so he wrapped up what he was doing and got ready to leave. He only took a few steps outside of the club side door before noticing an unfamiliar car parked at the curb, and someone waiting for him.

It was an older man and a woman that looked to be in her thirties, and they approached now that he was out in the open. They were dressed too nice to be any sort of rival, and they carried themselves as law enforcement, though they were something other than cops.

Lucas locked his phone and tucked it away. "Can I help you?" he asked innocently.

"Lucas Fredrick?" The woman asked, giving him a glowering look over. The man seemed more than a little surprised to see him.

Lucas shifted his weight to one foot. "Who's asking?" He hated hearing his last name—it tied him back to Utah, and it meant that they knew who he was.

"My name is Amanda Connelly, and this is my associate, Greg Estrada. We're with the federal organized crime division and we'd like to talk to you, if you wouldn't mind," she came off polite enough, but the edge in her voice was stern.

Lucas pursed his lips. "I was actually on my way somewhere, so unless you have any set reason, it might be better for another time."

"We're aware we're not coming to you with any formal evidence," Amanda chirped. "But talking with us is within your better interest."

"Is it?" Lucas quipped.

"Yes. While we don't have evidence of anything of course, we could arrest you and hold you for twenty-four hours until we do find something, or until the damage to your reputation has been done." She shrugged as if something like that wouldn't get him killed.

Lucas clenched his jaw. "It doesn't serve me any better if I talk willingly, now does it?"

"Less people would know about it," Amanda pointed out.

Lucas glanced off and huffed. "No, thank you. Feel free to arrest me, but I'll be having a lawyer before anything else."

Amanda seemed to sag, as if hoping he would give into the better option. Greg frowned and gave him a disappointed look that he was sure only a parent could master. "These people don't owe you anything, protecting them only hurts you and helps them."

Lucas tried not to snort. They owed him quite a lot—the few million now lining their pockets, and their good relationship with a dear senator. "Are you arresting me then?" Lucas challenged them. He was fairly sure they wouldn't follow through on it—holding him for a day seemed like too rash of an option if they had so little to go on.

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