Home is Where the Mob is

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It had taken Lucas an hour to find the lone weapon shop in town. He had never been in before, because back then it hadn't been something he ever considered. He knew it was a push since the owner wouldn't want to sell to someone under eighteen, but Lucas could make enough of a persuasion.

"I need a knife." He pointed through the display glass. "That switchblade, there."

"Once I see some ID," the owner didn't even bat an eye.

Lucas huffed and laid down his wad of cash, pulled from the ATM outside. "How much is an ID worth?"

The man eyed the money, his eyes wide in surprise before he gathered himself. "I'll get you the switchblade."

Lucas left the shop with the switchblade twirling in his hand. It would take him a while to adjust to the new weight and handle after the cops had confiscated his old one. He had known that one like an extended limb. He tucked the knife into his pocket and he wasn't walking back into that house without it.

He sat outside and watched the streets curiously. He didn't remember many of the faces anymore after three years. He wondered briefly about some of his old friends, but the pit of anxiety in his stomach said he didn't want to see them. He was too... different. They would be on their way to college—he was on his way to laundering money and hiding from law enforcement.

He had the phone in his pocket because he wasn't stupid enough to leave it at home for them to find. They would take it and wonder who he got it from. He flipped it open and found only a contact for Nick listed in it. He knew how to contact Tom and Joshua without needing their phone numbers saved, and it would be too risky to have it that way if anyone found the phone.

He testily dialed the number and put the phone to his ear. Nick answered quickly and in a huff. "Lucas," he breathed. "Are you okay?"

"Wish I was back," Lucas grumbled, pulling out his knife and admiring the blade of it.

"They said you were a run away," Nick muttered. "That your parents had been looking for you."

Lucas rolled his eyes and looked skyward. "My parents kicked me out," he stated simply. "They reported me missing out of guilt. Besides, I don't belong here anymore."

"Why not?" Nick challenged him.

Lucas laughed. "The biggest crimes in this town are Billy-bob moved his fence three inches onto Bob-joe's property and maybe the scandalous cow tipping."

"Small town, huh?" Nick laughed. "Why did they, uh... kick you out?"

Lucas held his tongue for a moment before giving in. "They found out I was gay." Lucas rubbed a hand over his shoulder, his fingers grazing the scar tissue that was still there as well. "They got abusive. They gave me an ultimatum of their way or the high way, and so I took it and left."

"Are you safe there?" Nick asked quickly. "Maybe if you tell services, they can take you out."

"It's too late, and I don't care anymore." Lucas twirled his new knife. "I got a knife if they try anything. I'm not defenseless anymore. God, I almost wish Joshua could come and visit and intimidate the shit out of them... I think I already scare them, though."

"Where did you end up anyways?" Nick wondered.

"Utah," Lucas sighed. He chewed his bottom lip. "I don't like it here," he added quietly.

"It's just two weeks," Nick tried to say. "I—I asked if I could follow you out there. Crash at some sort of motel or something... Joshua said it would have been too risky. That, and I don't think they really trust me enough to give me the funds and means to do it."

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