Friends Will Fight

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The days went on as normal. I worked on the bridge. I got the basics and rarely needed Uhura's help now. When it came to lunch Kirk would come down with me now in stead of Uhura, sometimes she would come down with us and have Spock tag along. Chekov would of course come to see Scar. She told me one night when I stopped in to get something that they kissed and I told her about my night with Kirk. She was a little mad that I was never there and felt like we were growing apart or something. But I told her she could ask Chekov if she could stay with him but she refused to. I told her that it was her own fault then. She still wasn't sure about Kirk because she saw how he acted towards everyone else and he acted the same with me. I told her he was totally different when it was just us. She questioned me about it. I decided to stay in our room with her every so often so she would stop bugging me.

Uhura and I became very good friends and I often went to her room when she didn't have Spock over and she talked. I told her everything about Kirk and she promised not to tell anyone and she didn't. Her and Scar were the only ones that knew we were kind of a 'thing'. I didn't want anyone else to know. We never held hands and he didn't kiss me unless we were alone. I was fine with that. He did slowly attempt to take my clothes off but I would push his hand away and he would stop.

I went into my room where Scar was one night cause she had washed some of my clothes and wanted to give them back to me, even though I said I could do them she insisted on washing them.

"I assume you'll be with Kirk again tonight." She said not looking up from the clothes she was folding.

"Probably. Why?" I asked.

She just shrugged.

I was irritated already considering I attempted to zip my booth this morning and caught my skin, pinching it and making myself bleed. Then somehow I managed to fall off my chair on the bridge, trip on the elevator. I wasn't having a good day. I turned around and looked at her, dropping the clothes I had in my hands.

"What the hell is wrong with you? The whole time we were at the Academy you would point out guys and tell me, 'there's one for ya' and I would usually say no. Now that I found a guy that I like and even though we don't show it in public, we are pretty much together, and you're pissed. So I'm not always in here with you at night. I was here when we had that day off. I was with you ALL day! And I decided I would stay here every few nights with you. Tonight is one of the nights I'm with Kirk. I was with you two days ago! I'll be with you all day tomorrow."

 She put the clothes down and looked at me. "You were here one night, I left and when I came back, you were GONE! You left to get laid by your new fancy boyfriend, who clearly seems like he's an ass."

"Scar, I left because you left with Chekov and you said you would be back but you never came. It got late and I just went to see Kirk. And I never got laid. Surprisingly we never did that at all. You think you know him but you don't. I know things about him that not even Bones knows. Call him what you want, but I know the truth. Maybe you wouldn't be alone if you would go to Chekov's room. I know you two are together because I've seen you kiss! You hold hands. Just go spend the night."

"Well I hope you enjoy being used, Devina, because when you get hurt and try coming back to me, I'm just going to tell you, 'I told you so'." She turned around and continued folding her clothes.

I had to hold back tears. I grabbed a bag and just shoved it full of clothes. I wasn't going to stay with her tomorrow. She'd have to be a big girl and go do something with Chekov. What kind of relationship is it that you only see each other for 20 minutes at lunch and like two nights of a week. If she liked him and she wanted him, she would see him more often. So when we have a day off tomorrow, she can be with him, because I'm not going to be there.

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