Date Night

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When Chekov came back he was smiling like crazy. He clearly liked Scar. I smirked when he came back and Kirk looked at me and laughed.

The day ended and he scurried out as quick as he could. I stayed around. Uhura whispered to me before she walked out.

"Please be careful with him." She told me.

I nodded to her and told her I would see her in the morning and I walked over to Kirk.

"Hey!" He said and smiled at me. "You coming back with me again?"

"Sure. But, can I get some things from my room quick? That way I don't have to wear your clothes again."

He nodded at me.

"Captain, may I speak with you for a moment?" Spock asked him.

I got a little nervous. What if Spock wanted to know what was going on between us. What if he wanted to talk to Kirk about me and tell him it wasn't a good idea for him to see me. Or what if it was totally normal and he needed to discuss work with him. Yeah, that was probably it.

Kirk turned around and looked at him. "What is it, Spock?"

"I'll meet you at your room." I whispered to him and walked out.

I headed down the hall and took the elevator down to my room. I walked in Scar was there, throwing her clothes around.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

She turned and looked at me. "I have nothing to wear!"

I was confused. "Nothing to wear? Why do you need something? Aren't you just going to- ohhhh. Did Chekov ask you on a date?"

She kinda glared at me but at the same time she was blushing. "Maybe."

"Considering he came back with the biggest smile on his face, I knew he liked you. Now, excuse me." I pushed past her and went to my dresser. I took off my dress and put on a pair of pants and a shirt. I grabbed a new red dress and stuffed it in a bag, along with some extra clothes.

Scar was still scowling and ended up putting on a pair of pants and a fancy shirt.

"So where is he taking you? Is he coming here? Cause you need to clean your mess first. Or are you going there?"

"He's coming to get me. He didn't want to stay here because he was worried we would bug you when you 'got back from being with Uhura'." She told me with an irritated look.

I let out a low laugh and shook my head then smirked at her. "Is someone gonna get laid?"

She glared at me. "If ANYONE is going to get laid it's going to be you. You're the one that's sneaking around with the 'gorgeous'  man whore of a captain. You're taking the big risk."

"Okay, woah. No need for you to get all snippy like that. You're obviously stressed. Just calm down. You look fine. I have to go. And I swear if you chicken out and tell him you became ill I will drag him here myself and tell him you were lying." I grabbed the bag and walked out the door.

I took the elevator up a floor and walked to Kirk's room. I knocked on the door and it opened. He was sanding there. He had taken his yellow shirt off.

"Oh. I see you also changed. You didn't have to." He told me when he saw me.

You didn't have to. What was that supposed to mean? Is he hinting that he wants to sleep with me and I didn't have to change into normal clothes because I'm not going to have them on anyway? Damn it, I was freaking out again.

"Oh. Yeah. The dress was becoming uncomfortable. I like my casual wear." I told him.

"Well you still look nice. I'm actually making spaghetti. That's fine, right?" He walked towards the kitchen.

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