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Chapter 2
"Mama, do you need me to help you?" My 7 year old son Lincoln asked as I was packing up all his clothes and toys. "No baby, it's okay, you go and watch tv." I said.
Whenever I graduated high school I moved straight to Nashville to go to college at Lipscomb University with my best friend, Kate. We grew up together in Mississippi.  We both got out degrees in nursing and we're working at the hospital until now since I'm moving.
After a year of living in Nashville and going to school I met a guy named West. We dated for 8 months until he started to try to pressure me into sleeping with him. I never gave in, but one night when he had a few too many he raped me. 9 months later I ended up with a baby boy, Lincoln. West showed back up 3 years after he was born. Not by my choice though. He comes in and out. He threatened to hurt Lincoln if I didn't let him stay at our place or give him what he wanted, so I've been taking all of his abuse for the past 4 years. I've had plenty of broken bones and bruises over the years. Lincoln knows that West is his dad, but he doesn't acknowledge him. Lincoln is smart for a 7 year old. He can't stand him. He tries to help me every time I'm getting beat by West, but West just pushes him away every time.
Kate told me I should get away a couple months ago. I decided that I can't let Lincoln live like this anymore. I'm going to a small town called Start in Louisiana where my aunt lives. We're going to stay with her for a while. I've already gotten a job at the hospital there.
After packing I move all the suitcases and boxes into the car. I walk into the living room where Lincoln is. "It's time to go." I said. He turned the tv off and we got into the car.
"I'm glad I don't have to see West's face anymore." He said as I started driving. "Me too." I said quietly.

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