sabrina was in her twenties, she still spoke like a teenager. she didn't have any sophisticated tone or vocabulary at all.

"how can you even call her th-"

"aria marie, i said go!" she yelled for the last time before aria quickly shut her mouth and just looked into their eyes deeply. watching them slowly get lost before swiftly locking her lips and pushing her hands against he knees in attempt to get up, leaving red marks on her pale thighs.

"we are not a family," she whispered one last time and twisted on her heel, stomping to her hotel bed and closing the gliding doors. she jumped up on the bed and sighed.

not a normal sassy aria sigh; more of a i'm trying not to cry. she's not worth your tears sigh. the shaky sigh that makes you wonder if you can pull it all together and stay strong.

aria: this isn't at all what i imagined it to be, luke

luke: what do you mean??

luke: are you okay??

luke: please tell me you're not upset on vacation

luke: aria i'm here for you, okay? just tell me what's wrong.

aria: do i always play the victim card, luke? do i always act like its someone else hurting me

luke: no

luke: in fact you take things pretty hard on yourself aria.

luke: i know that's not all, what else happened

aria: my mom is not what i expected

aria: you know i expected us to just live happily after this, to just put everything behind us and just run off into the motherfucking pink pretty sunset

aria: but that's not how life works

aria: i can't get over that that's not how it works, luke

aria: i also can't get over thinking that it could've worked out the way i wanted, the way i've been planning for the last four fucking months.

aria: it could've and i threw away that damn chance

luke: aria this isn't your fault. some people just aren't what you expected. i know you two will start to make your relationship work. i know it okay i just do. you two are family whether you like it or not, but if you don't feel that way..

luke: well i'll always be here

luke: consider me your family

luke: aria i love you. not just a little i love being friends...i really love you

aria: no you don't

luke: yes i do

aria: but how can you be sure

luke: if you asked me yesterday i would say i don't know

luke: but i thought about it over and over and over again..just to make sure

luke: i would never lie to you aria

luke: i thought it over again and again and i can't get you out of my mind

luke: you're all i care about, your happiness, your safety, it's all i want.

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