The Torchwood Institute

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'Wait here,' Ivy instructed the boys.

'You know you can't just tell us what to do,' Dean argued, annoyed at all of Ivy's controlling.

'It's for your own good. You have no idea of what you have refused to walk away from. And since you are staying for whatever reason it is my job to make sure you don't get killed.'


'Uh uh. Wait,' Sam and Dean watched Ivy walk into the building. Dean sighed.

'Who made her boss? Besides, how does she even know all this?' Dean asked himself more than his brother.

Sam just shrugged.

Ivy walked in, far too easily. She found herself alone in a place she had only seen once before, a long time ago. She strolled through the room, gazing around until she realized she wasn't alone. Ivy turned and found herself face to face with a man she had not seen for what had seemed a life time.

'Who are you?' the man asked and Ivy felt sad, if only briefly.

'Jack?' Ivy hoped he would remember her, it can't have been that long.

'Hold on? Ivy?' Jack' face lit up once he realized he was facing his old friend. They embraced and smiled and for a fleeting moment Ivy felt like there was no threat of danger in the world. But as quickly as the happiness cam, it left.

'Why are you here?' Jack asked, knowing she would have only come if something really bad was happening.

'First, I have some friends outside,' Ivy called out to Sam and Dean, 'now Jack, no flirting.'

'Oh you're just as bad the as the Doctor.'

The boys walked in and Ivy watched as Jack face change rather noticeably from "greeting a friend" to "well hello".

'Jack,' Ivy warned but Jack just put on his famous smiled.

'Captain Jack Harkness, and who might you two be?'

Dean coughed.

'I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean.'

'Brothers? Even better. Where have you been hiding these two Ivy? Shame on you for keeping them all to yourself.'

Ivy just rolled her eyes.

'So ah Jack?' Ivy pulled Jacks gaze away from the boys, 'important life-threatening situation and we are in dire need of your help.'

'Of course. How may I assist?'

'You remember your vortex manipulator?' Jack nodded, 'yeah well we need it.'


'Okay so remember, this is rather tricky and definitely not as safe as what you're used to,' Jack was warning Ivy.

'It's necessary. Besides, I've done worse,' Ivy smiled at Jack.

'I bet you have. Now when you get him-'

'If,' Ivy corrected.

'When,' Jack continued, 'come pick me up. I want to help.'

'We'll see,' Ivy hugged Jack goodbye and gathered with Sam and Dean. She hoped they were ready.

'And make sure you bring these two!' Ivy looked up and smiled at Jack as everything went fuzzy.


Okay, so I haven't written in a very long time but I hope Captain Jack Harkness makes up for that. I don't know a lot about torchwood, I need to finish watching it so I am super sorry if the way I have written this bit is way off. I was mostly going off knowledge from Doctor Who. I hope you like it and I am very sorry for taking so long. It's just a lot of school and lack of ideas kind of screws up writing for me.

Tell me what you think. Thanks for reading!

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