Just Relax

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Dean clutched the armrest with all his strength, Ivy noticed and put her hand on his.
'It'll be okay.'
She didn't like the idea of flying much either but she had a plan and they had to get over there.
The takeoff started and Dean held on even tighter, Sam and Ivy exchanged a look. Ivy could hear Dean muttering under his breath and Sam trying to calm him.
Ivy glanced around the plane. It all seemed normal and she hoped it would stay that way.
'Just relax,' Sam was saying.


They were up in the air and Sam was fast asleep, leaving Ivy with a seemingly-calm-until-the-slightest-turbulence Dean.
He was going okay for now, quite relax, but then the turbulence started. It wasn't much, happened all the time apparently, but it was enough.
'Dean, calm down. Look at me, Dean.' He turned to face Ivy, trying to conceal the fear on his face.
'It's okay, a little bit of turbulence is normal. We're going to be just fine. The flight will go okay, we land alright and you can get out of this thing.'
And that is exactly what happened.


'Never again.' Dean was still trying to find his legs as he stumbled through the airport.
'Dude, it's okay, we made it,' Sam helped Dean get steady.
The three were heading through the car park now, looking for the car they were renting.
'Here,' Sam announced standing by an ordinary looking blue car. Ivy saw Dean heading towards the drivers seat and put a hand on his shoulder. She looked him up and down.
'Sam can drive,' she said, indicating for Dean to hand over the keys. Reluctantly Dean gave Sam the keys and made his way for the passengers seat.


'So where are we heading?' Sam asked as Ivy gave him directions from the back seat.
'Take this right,' Ivy instructed. Sam did as he was told.
'Where are we going though Ivy,' Dean asked, 'what are we even doing in England?'

'Next left,' Ivy didn't look up from her map.
'Ivy, tell me, where are we going?'
'Here, turn down here, Baker Street.'

I know it's not very long or exciting but here. Comment and vote and stuff if you want, I'd love to hear from you.
More soon, I promise.
Thanks for reading!

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