Intro (Superwholock)

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'Oh no. No no no. No way. Guys c'mon, we're going.' She started to walk backwards pushing the other two back with her.

'What? We're not leaving now. We just got here.' One of the guys pushed past her arm but she grabbed his and wouldn't let go.

'You don't understand. Neither of you do,' she looked from one to another. How could she have let this happen, this was all her fault, and now she had to get them out before they were all killed. 'Please guys listen to me. What's in there, you don't want to face them. We don't have a chance. It's not our kind of fight. We need to leave.' She pulled them both away, not taking her eyes off the door that lead to them.

They entered another room, then another and when she thought it was safe enough, she released her grip.

'Ivy, what's going on?' He hadn't spoken this whole time but now he looked at her and she just smiled sadly.

'We're dead Sammy.'


Dean, the other guy, looked at her in disbelief.

'What do you mean we're dead? We can handle anything.'

'I wish. The things in there, they are unlike anything you have ever faced. They aren't your usual fight.'

Ivy walked to the other side of the room and pushed open the door ever so slightly. She peered through to see an empty hall leading to the big brass front doors.

She turned back to Sam and Dean and whispered, 'okay, so we make a break for it,' Ivy held up her hand when Dean tried to protest, 'we run, Dean, and we don't look back.' She pulled them both over to the door and looked again, still empty. She opened the door more and crept through, Sam and Dean followed.

They reached the front door without a hitch but when Ivy pushed it open and lead the others out she heard the indistinguishable sound. She froze, then pushed the others in front of her and ran.

'Go!' she yelled, pushing them along, just making it as she heard the things battle cry. She didn't look back, just kept running with the guys at her side but as she ran into the night she heard the cry, loud and clear. 'EXTERMINATE!'


Note: okay so this is basically my first shot at a fan-fiction. Tell me what you think because i'm dying to know.

I am sorry for any errors.

There will definitely be Wholock coming, this is just kind of a taster I guess. (Next time it will be longer ... I hope)

Supernatural is set before meeting Cas (because I only just started watching it recently and had this idea before reaching him in the series)

Doctor who is set while he's on the cloud and after he has come down.

Sherlock is set after the fall.

I made up the character Ivy but all other characters do not belong to me.

So yeah, I hoped you liked it. Tell me what you thought and if you would like me to continue.

Thanks for reading!

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