Chapter 13- I Guess Not

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"Kory Davis to the principal's office." A woman said over the intercom. Fuck me I sighed and walked to his office I walked in when the lady said I could.

"Have a seat Mr. Davis." He said I sat down and put my bag on the floor.

"You know fighting is not allowed in this school. What was the fight about?" He asked

"He doesn't like me because I'm gay and just beat him in baseball." I said then his expression changed but he tried to hide it oh god he is homophobic too FUUUCK.

"Mr. Davis you are suspended for a week for provoking Mr. McLynn and fighting you are dismissed." He said

"I didn't provoke him I didn't hey come punch me and bust my lip" I scoffed

"You are dismissed Mr. Davis." He said.

I got up and picked up my bag and left his office slamming the door I walked out of the school got in my car and drove to that park on the other side of town. I got out and went to a hot dog vendor yep they still have them. I sat down and ate my chili dog, I watched the moms talk as their kids play. Life was easy then. My phone vibrated in my pocket I looked at it and it was Sky.

"I heard about the fight. Where you are?" She all but yelled in to the phone.

"Well hello to you too. I'm at the park eating a chili dog, I'm suspended for quote on quote provoking him and for getting into the fight." I said.

"What do you mean provoked? That is bullshit!"

"Yeah it is but there isn't anything I can do about it...Oh and I'm going to need homework."

".....Okay I got to go now see ya Kory." She announced and I heard everyone in the background saying bye.

"Bye guys" I smooched in to the phone.

The line went dead.

I ate my hot dog as I spaced out. When I finished eating I went down to the track and put my headphones in I need to clear my mind so I started to run. I ran for a couple hours then walked to my car then drove home I went inside and took a shower. The doorbell rang I'm guessing it is Sky I got out and put a towel around my waist I walked downstairs to the front door and opened it but Sky wasn't there it was Jeremiah he looked me up and down I rolled my eyes and shut the door.

"I got your homework and notes" He said through the door. Dammit Sky ugh I opened the door and ushered for him to come in, He walked in.

"Stay here." I said and walked up stairs I put on a t-shirt, boxers and purple sweatpants

*Not cool Sky -XOK* I texted her

I walked back downstairs Jeremiah was looking at some of the pictures of me and my dad.

"You can leave it on the table thanks" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Where is your dad?" He asked obviously ignoring what I said.

"On a business trip." I replied and called for a small meat lover pizza and a sprite.

"So your home alone?"

"Yes thanks for the homework you can leave now." I grew impatient and walked to the front door and opened it.

He sighed and walked out, I shut the door. I put my back against it and slip down to the floor why must it be like this dammit Sky. I shook the feelings away, I got up locked the door then went to do my homework and wait for the pizza guy when he got here I ate.





  My suspension went by but when my dad came back he grounded me for the fight but not for long because it was self-defense. Now I'm going to sleep because I finally go back to school, I dreamt of cotton candy unicorns I ate them all I woke up to the alarm and the fact I was trying to eat my pillow no wonder it felt real, I got up and took a shower brushed my teeth and styled my hair.

I put on black skinny jeans and a blue cookie monster shirt and my shoes and socks. I snickered can't forget socks. I walked downstairs ate an apple and put the homework Jeremiah brought, I grabbed my stuff and left. I drove to school once I pulled up and seen Nate, Miranda, Kat, Sky, Chrissy and Jessie they held up a welcome back sign in glitter and colorful words and they all wrote something on it. I got out and smiled.

"Welcome Back Kory!" They yelled.

"Geez I only been gone a week or so." I laughed

I love them so much. I hugged them and took my awesome sign and put it in my car we walked in to school and we split up. I went to my first period and slammed that big stack of work on Ms. Michael's desk. Jeremiah was already there I didn't see him after the first day he dropped my work he would put it in the mailbox.

 I know it was him any of my friends would have come in and made themselves comfortable. When class started I start to take notes and today we had a pop quiz, when class ended I went to the locker room and put on my gym clothes we played volleyball today and our class lost.

When it was time to go I took my quick shower and changed then left I went to the front office because I had a pizza delivered here how I'm sneaky, duh. I paid the girl then took the pizza to the others and we ate and talked about the drama that happened while I was gone.

"Excuse me!" Someone yelled I turned around to see Jeremiah standing on the table I looked back at my friends and ignored him.

"I have something to say...I Jeremiah Alexander Scott am apologizing to Davis for being a complete jackass and a douche-bag. I want everybody in this cafeteria and school to know I AM NOT GAY! BUT I AM GAY FOR DAVIS! Davis you ended your last relationship on a cafeteria table and now I want to start one with you so on this cafeteria table in front of everybody. DAVIS WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!!!" He announce loud and proud.

I turned around shocked almost choking on my pizza. I looked in to his hazel eyes that were looking into mine. I realized I did not say anything and everyone was staring at me. I smirked and stood up.

"...Yes Jeremiah I will go out with you." I said and smiled. He hopped off the table and made his way to me. He put a necklace around my neck it was a heart and the back said:

Boyfriend of Jeremiah Scott <3

I laughed slightly shaking my head. I kissed him it was a short kiss but it meant a lot we looked at each other smiling. The bell snapped us back into reality. He grabbed my hand wand walked me to class, everyone was staring at us.

"You know it is going to be different now." I told him.

"Yeah but it shouldn't because I'm not gay just gay for you. I don't regret doing it even if everyone looks at me differently." He said.

"Well you are welcome to share my friends. They will forgive you with that amazing outburst." I said smiling.

"Yes I do but I'm really happy I got you most of all. I gained a boyfriend and maybe real friends." He said then kissed and hugged me. I walked in class and everyone was looking at me and whispering. Oh great more for them to talk about don't they have anything better to do.........I guess not.

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