So Many Blends, So Little Time (Twenty-Seven)

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Sonny shrugged, feeling her cheeks beginning to heat up. "Damned if I know." A faint smile lifted her lips when the other woman laughed. "Um, let's go."

"You sure you have everything?" Jack used her free hand to open the door. She'd checked, double checked and triple checked to make sure she had everything she wanted to bring along before she left her house.

Nodding, Sonny joined her in the hallway before she turned toward the door and locked it. They began to walk down the hall as she inquired about Chloe, asking if she was waiting for them in the car. Shaking her head, Jack replied that when she asked her sister if she wanted to come along to Canova Beach with them, she had declined saying that she already had plans to spend the weekend at a friend's house. Sure she left out a few details from the conversation she had with Chloe concerning this weekend, but Jack decided that it wasn't necessary for her friend to know every little detail.

A smile spread across Chloe's lips as she placed her fork down on the plate, having had her fill of the tasty dinner her older sister had whipped up. "So Sonny invited us along to meet her family for the weekend, hmm?"

Nodding, Jack could just imagine the wheels turning round and round in her sister's head. Wearing a slightly curious expression, she wondered what Chloe was thinking. Remaining quiet, Jack picked up her glass of lemonade and took a few sips while she waited for the younger woman to continue.

The smile remained on Chloe's lips as she casually stated, "Well that's a shame her parents anniversary is next weekend because I can't go. I already have plans for the entire weekend to spend with Antonia at her parent's beach house. Justine and Mary are coming along too. Antonia's parents are going to be out of town so we'll have it to ourselves." She attempted to look sorry that she couldn't make it, but her expression wasn't very convincing.

Sitting back in her chair, Jack regarded her sister thoughtfully. "Hmm, I thought you told me a couple days ago that you didn't feel up to going?"

Chloe nonchalantly shrugged. "Well, I changed my mind. I'm not going to let this wheelchair slow me down." She offered her sister a dazzling smile, which Jack quickly returned.

"I'm glad to hear you sounding so upbeat, kid, but what's the real reason you don't want to go to Canova Beach? Sonny mentioned that she has a sister around your age so I'm sure you two could hang out together and have some fun. Plus, the Campbells live on the beach too, so, the water will still be at your disposal."

Not being able to come up with a valid excuse, Chloe decided to tell the truth. "Well, this is the perfect opportunity for you and Sonny to have some alone time together on the road trip there and back. And sure, you guys will be surrounded by family once you arrive, but, the two of you will still have ample time getting to know one another and maybe just maybe," a sly smile appeared on Chloe's lips as she paused for effect, "you'll be able to successfully woo her." Her dark eyebrows wiggled up and down causing her sister to burst out in laughter.

Though she had tried her best to convince her sister to come along, Chloe wouldn't budge. Later that day she called her friend Antonia, who was thrilled to find out that she had changed her mind about going to the beach house with her, Justine, and Mary. The three friends had picked up Chloe earlier that morning, almost an hour before Jack left. Just like Hawaii, Jack informed her little sister to call her daily.

Minutes later, the pair arrived in the parking lot, Sonny beginning to search for her companion's black Mercedes as they walked through the crowded lot. Glancing up at the other woman, she asked where her car was. Concealing a little smile, Jack reached out for her hand, gently tugging Sonny toward an automobile that had to be the most beautiful one in the entire lot. Green eyes widening, Sonny slowly walked toward the vehicle, carefully looking it over. Never had she seen such a powerful magnificent car right before her very eyes that she could reach out and touch. Sidling up next to her, Jack allowed a grin to show on her face as she watched the other woman's reaction to the car.

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