Chapter 12- Never say Never

Start from the beginning

"Hey." The chick said and I stopped dammit. Why can't I be invisible right now? I put on a fake smile and turned around.

"Chello." I said

"Nice party sorry we didn't stay long we had.....other things to do." She said giggling like an idiot and her glow meant she got laid, I kept my fake smile up even though it hurt.

"Oh that's okay. I didn't even notice. Well I'm glad you had a good night I got to go now Byez." I said with a smile and walked off to my class and sat down UGH why me...Jeremiah walked in and stopped by my desk.

"Can we talk?" He asked

"No, there is nothing to talk about you got your reputation and the star cheerleader as a girlfriend. I won't tell anyone what happened because we were just friends that shared a few kisses. Anyways we were not together so there is nothing to be said" I replied dryly.

Looking at him with a blank stare, I looked away from him. The teacher and students walked in so he took his seat without a word. During the class I doodled in my note book instead of taking notes I drew little stick figures dancing. The bell rung I got my stuff and left avoiding Jeremiah, I walked to my second period went in the locker room and changed in to my gym clothes.

I put my hair up in a mini ponytail yea it is long enough to do that, I walked out of the locker room as Jeremiah walked in I ignored him and went to sit in the bleachers. Why is it when you try to avoid someone they appear everywhere and when you try to find them they are nowhere to be found Ugh? Today the classes are playing baseball class verse class girls were playing softball. The classes went to the baseball fields and the game began a while ago and the score is 4-0 we have zero.

"Davis Bat" The coach yelled. I got up and picked up a bat.

"Oh good the fag is up to bat this is an easy out." McLynn smirked. I smirked right back.

"You are so right and so hot too." I replied with a more feminine voice. He threw the ball and I missed him and everyone laughed. He threw it again I missed again they laughed harder.

"Come on I thought you liked balls." Mclynn taunted, him and his buddies laughed. He threw it again for the third time but this time I gripped the bat and actually tried to hit it and the ball flew I dropped the bat and ran around the bases twice before they got it everyone was shocked, I laughed at them.

"Don't think just because I'm gay I'm not good at playing sports." I laughed and walked to the pit. After a few silent minutes the game went on and soon I was up to bat again.

"Come on sexy give me your best shot and stop throwing like a girl." I taunted McLynn. He got mad and threw the ball toward my face. I smirked. When will he stop being predictable? I stepped back and hit it and got another home run.

"Aim for my face again sexy and we will have problems." I winked.

"You know what fag." He hissed

"Yes, I know you're a fag too." I said

He turned a new shade of red and charged at me and socked me in my face I stumbled backwards I felt liquid ooze from my lip. I touched my lip and looked at it....blood. I smiled wide. He swung again but I dodged it and the following punch he threw.

"My turn." I sang deadly.

I punched him in the face repeatedly he manage to punch me in the stomach I grunted. I growled loudly. Now I'm angry I punched him in the face and broke his nose and the next punch bust his lip. We went hit fro hit. I hit him again and again I just keep hitting him. His face was bloody my fist was hurting it had some of his blood on it but I didn't care I keep punching this sad excuse for a human.

"Enough Davis." The Coach yelled a bit panicky and Jeremiah Yanked me off of him I pushed his arm from around me and spit my bloody spit into McLynn's face.

"Put your hands on me again and I won't stop. By the way you just got your ass kicked by a gay guy." I said to McLynn and kicked him in the stomach I started to walk to the locker room.

"Davis." Jeremiah called and put his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not in the mood for this right now." I sneered

I pushed his hand off and continued walking I reached the locker room. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands and my face. I lift my shirt up slightly I could see a bruise coming in.

"Are you okay?" Someone said I knew it was Jeremiah.

I quickly pulled my shirt down and walked to my locker ignoring him.

"Davis." He sighed

Spinning me around, he pushed me against the locker when I ignored him. He slammed both his hands on each side of my head.

"What do you want?" I asked impatiently.

"For you to listen to me." He replied.

"WHY THE HELL SHOULD I DO THAT? YOU PICKED WHAT YOU WANTED AND I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WOULD FORGET YOU AND NEVER LOOK BACK. NOW EXCUSE ME!" I yelled and I pushed him back, grabbed my stuff and headed for the door I opened it before I walked out I he said never say never.

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