Are you broken? Chapter 2

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--------------------------------------My granny's in love with my boyfriend:

Chapter 2

Everyday since a boy has stepped foot into my house, my grandma has been one step behind him.

It's like she has a tracking device on them. Or a secret camera strapped to the front door.

Yes you may feel sorry for me but think about the mailman. Every Monday, he's been crouching to our door, determined not to let grandma's beady eyes catch him.
And when she does.. There's no way of pulling her off him.

We've had twelve thousand mailmen in the last few years. More than half of them died before reaching the age of forty and mainly because of you-know-who. The rest quit because of her disgusting habit of leaving her false teeth stuck in the mailbox.

Am I the only one with a grandma like this?

It's 7:25am on a Monday and I'm crawling out my bed to get ready for school. My hair is a mess and I can barely open my eyes without falling flat on my face.

Usually I'd get up and head to the bathroom, but I heard "baby' by Justin Bieber playing in the kitchen. So as i slid down the stair, I saw the most horrifying thing ever. My grandma, dancing around the kitchen like some kind of Octopus, with her pink bra strapped to her forehead.

A normal person would ask what the hell she was doing..

But bare in mind I'm used to this kind of behaviour, so the most rational thing I did was sit down and ignore her, with a big bright smile painted on my face.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked, ignoring her Indian dance movements.

"Do I look like a slave? Jasmine? Are you broken? Do you not have legs? Go make your own dinner" she growled.

"Breakfast" I corrected her, dodging her crumpled hands, taking my breakfast out the fridge, and heading upstairs to do my daily routine.

As soon as I squashed my feet into my trainers, i heard a sudden movement coming from downstairs.

(Dun dun dun

I rushed downstairs to see the commotion. And to my disbelief, I saw granny squashed flat to the wall waiting for the mailman to slide his fingers into the mailbox.

And as soon as he did, granny slammed the door open, running after him.

I chuckled as I made my way to school.

Being in school is like being in a movie.

There's always those people who stay lowkey and watch and those who choose to play the main roles.

What do you do?

Right now.. I'm in the middle. I choose not to participate in the drama but I don't mind standing out from the crowd.

But someone's caught my eye. JADEN. He seems different from all the other boys.

Let's just hope granny doesn't see him...


I need someone to be her best friend so if you haven't keep, commenting your;

Name, age, personality and look

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