Dragon Revelation

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Snotlout wandered the forest, "She never really said where this Cove was." He spun in a circle, hoping to find a clue that would tell him which was to go. "Whoa.." Snotlout turned in one direction and was surprised to see a broken tree. Something big came through here! Curiosity took over and he followed the path that the broken branches and disturbed earth had made. Then it came to a stop. "Huh?" Snotlout picked up a slightly worn piece of rope, "Why is there rope out here?" His curiosity was broken when a dragon roar echoed off from in the forest. "Oh right Astrid," he threw the rope down and quickly followed the grunts of the beasts he was soon to ride. Snotlout continued his trek down some rocks and into an open area. There was Astrid and all the dragons that were held in the arena. Snotlout was shocked to see them just sitting there. He understood Stormfly but was surprised to see the other dragons so peaceful.

"You actually showed up," Astrid secretly wished that Snotlout had forgotten about the whole dragon thing.

"To spends some time with you? Never!" Snotlout walked up to Astrid, "So...which one do I get?"

"Whichever one is willing to put up with you," Astrid placed a hand on Snotlouts shoulder, "But first are the rules. No flying during the day, no talking about your dragon to anyone, no showing anybody your dragon, and most importantly, do not get caught with your dragon! Do you understand me?"

"Yea yea I get it," Snotlout looked over the dragons, "I want...the Monstrous Nightmare!"

'Want!?' Stormfly angrily walked up to Snotlout, 'A dragon isn't a possession! We're living beings just like you!'

"He knows that Stormfly," Astrid put herself between the two, "Right Snotlout?"

"Of course!" Snotlout chuckled jokingly, "By "want" I mean "be friends with"."

'Whatever,' Stormfly scoffed. She walked over and stood next to the baskets of fish that Astrid had brought.

Snotlout turned towards the Monstrous Nightmare in front of him. He had always imagined that the day he'd be standing front of one was when he was meant to kill it. "So...uh...what do I do?"

Astrid groaned, "The same thing you did with Stormfly. Break the wall with peace and not violence."

Snotlout stood there, think of how to "break the wall with peace and not violence".

"You have to be kidding me..." Astrid began to think that this was a bad idea.

'This one isn't smart is he?' the Monstrous Nightmare asked Astrid.

"He's not the brightest," Astrid confirmed.

As Snotlout stood there thinking Stormfly walked over to the stream and took a drink. Hm? She turned towards the entrance, something was off. 'Intruder!' Stormfly shot out a spine and it stuck into a rock.

"Who's there!?" Astrid ran over to her dragon. This isn't good.

"Don't shoot us please!" a scared voice called out.

"Fishlegs?" Astrid walked over and peered around the rock. It was Fishlegs...and the twins. "What are you three doing here?"

The three emerged from behind the rock. "We saw Snotlout run off into the forest so we followed him," Tuffnut explained.

"Snotlout!" Astrid yelled, "I told you to make sure that you weren't followed!"

"I thought I wasn't!" Snotlout confessed.

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