Little Memory

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Four days had passed since Dagurs funeral. Stoick the Vast sat quietly in his chair. The light of the fire illuminated his face, it was the only source of light in the house. He yawned, bags under his eyes. He hasn't slept in Thor knows how long. Everyone in the village worried for his health. 'I'm fine.' Stoick would tell them. What little food he ate was starting to lose its taste. Stoick rubbed his eyes and looked at the papers in front of him. Just dumb old Chief stuff, Stoick thought. What was the point of being Chief if you didn't have an heir? The tired man tried to read but the words became blurry. Sleep had finally caught it's prey. Stoick sat the paper down and sat back in his chair. His eyes slowly closed and his mind eased as it drifted away.

Thunder boomed and crackled above Berk. Strong winds blew, daring to blow down anything it wanted to. Stoick sat lazily in his chair, working away. Thunder suddenly exploded from outside an it was followed by a small shriek. Stoick heard the sound of little feet against wood.

"Dad?" four-year-old Hiccup hugged the post.

Stoick turned from his work, "What is it Hiccup?"

"It's thundering outside," Hiccup said innocently.

"Ah it's just rain," Stoick chuckled. A part of him didn't want to deal with anybody right now, he was so tired, "It's not gonna get ya."

"But it's very loud," Hiccup protested, "How'm I gonna get any sleep?"

Stoick sighed. He knew it was just Hiccup being a kid but inside he felt that ever since Hiccup could crawl he's been...different. But...he was his he had to deal with it. "Come over and sit on my lap Hiccup," Stoick motioned his son.

Little Hiccup ran over to his father and quickly climbed on top, "What's all this?" Hiccup stared puzzled at the papers in front of him.

"They're apart of my work as Chief," Stoick explained.

"Really?" Hiccup picked up a paper and studied it, "Looks boring."

Stoick nearly erupted with laughter, "Sometimes it is but what can I do? I'm Chief. And one day you will be too."

"When will that be?" Hiccup looked up at Stoick with tired eyes.

"When it's your time," Stoick smiled.

"Why do grown ups have to say stuff like that? I never understand them!" Hiccup slapped down that paper and leaned back against Stoicks stomach.

"Wait until your my age," Stoick chuckled, "You'll be saying the same thing."

Thunder exploded and Stoick nearly fell out of his chair. It was a dream. More like a much needed memory. He wasn't a horrible father. Maybe not the best but he there were times he did his fatherly duty. Stoick glanced around his house. Viking culture decorated almost every inch. Things have been the same for three hundred years. But Hiccup didn't fit with it. Stoick didn't know why but his mind fell back to the days he had spent with Valka. She could knock out anyone of the "viking men" in the village yet she was against fighting and killing dragons. Maybe Hiccup was the same. But...he doesn't even remember her. Maybe its inherited? Or maybe its a sign! A sign that things need to change! That Night Fury was defending Hiccup, not just outright trying to kill Stoick. It was settled! After he finished his Cheifing tomorrow he was going to the arena and see the how dragons really were.

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