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Dragon grass equals happy dragon. AAAAnd so does a chin scratch. Astrid wrote it down in her little book then hid it under her pillow. She was surprised by all the things that were written down; she has learned so much about dragons in so little time. Speaking of dragons...Astrid tiptoed to the stairs and peeked out over them. Nobody. Yes! Her parents were asleep. Astrid tiptoed downstairs, crepted to the door, and slipped outside. She raced towards the arena and opened the Deadly Nadders gate.

'Hey silly!' The dragon happily hopped out and affectionately hugged Astrid.

"Hey there Stormfly," Astrid chuckled, "Do you wanna go for a midnight flight?"

'Sure,' Stormfly lowered herself so Astrid could climb on, 'You sure you can hold on?'

"Yea," Astrid made herself comfortable on top of her scaly friend, "Holding onto your head spines is fine."

'Alright,' Stormfly walked through the arena gate. She ruffled her spines then took off into the night sky. Astrid would love to fly during the day but, of course, that was bad idea.

Far from Berk the two raced through the air. They zigzagged around the sea stacks, having the time of their lives. "Who-ho!" Astrid cheered, "Man you are one fast dragon!"

'Thanks,' Stormfly happily took the complement, 'But I'm not as fast as a Night Fury. When they hit top speed. Whoosh! Even if you don't blink you'll still miss them!'

"Wow," Astrid was surprised that a dragon could go that fast. But that amazement was instantly taken over by sorrow. She never told anybody this, not even Stormfly, but deep down she missed Hiccup. Not once did she ever out right hate or bullied him like other people. It was only after he was chased off that she realized that she did care for him and even felt bad for him. Having the your whole village made fun of must of been terrible.

Stormfly noticed the sadness on Astrids face. She mentally smacked herself, Ah...why did I mention the Night Fury!? Stupid! ''s your thought about flying?' she casually asked in hopes to change the subject.

"Beautiful!" Astrid scanned the open sea. On a boat it may not seem like much, water as far as the eye could see in every direction. But in the air...oh...Astrid could see much more! Distant islands sparked Astrids curiosity while hundreds of tiny fish swam wildly in the clear water below.

"Whoa..." The beauty vanished when they came upon a dense fog. Hidden behind a veil of perpetual heavy fog were massive sea stacks that towered above them. "What is-"

'We need to leave this area!" Stormfly began to back up.

"What?" Astrid felt confused, "Why?" The she realized where they they were. Hellhounds Gate! The Dragon's Nest! For three hundred years vikings have-

'We need to leave NOW!' Stormfly flapped wildly, her rail spines out.

"Whoa! Stormfly calm dooown!" Astrid held on tight as her dragon suddenly bolted forward. Stormfly flew easily around the sea stacks as if the fog wasn't there. "Stormfly...I-what's wrong? I thought you wanted to get away."

'That hum...I thought I'd never hear it again when I was captured,' Stormfly whispered.

"Hum? What hum? I don't hear anything," Astrid scanned the area. There was as much creepiness in the air as there was fog.

'We can't ignore it,' Stormfly continued in a very creepy manner, 'Once we hear it we're drawn it. Lured into Her trap and enslaved.'

"Her?" Astrid didn't know who Stormfly was talking about but she felt a cold chill go down her spine, "Do I dare ask..."

'Shhh...get down!' Stormfly warned.

Astrid started to ask why but she was suddenly surrounded by grunts and groans of more dragons. She huddled close to her dragon, hoping to blend in. "What's going on?" she whispered.

'Looks like they're hauling in their catch,' Stormfly overlooked the dragons. No Night Fury. Hiccup and the Night Fury are not here...but without a Night Fury then the raids are-

'Move it Nadder!' a Monstrous Nightmare slammed right into Stormfly without a care.

"What is his problem?" Astrid repositioned herself.

'That's just how some Nightmares are,' Stormfly explained.

"But why would he be in such a rush?" Before she could finish her questions the dragons came upon a towering volcano. Never before had Astrid felt so scared, "Stormfly...why can't we just get out of here!?"

'I told you! The hum,' Stormfly almost yelled,"Once a dragon hears it they're drawn to the source.'

The two looked ahead and saw a giant opening in the side of the volcano. Panic began to set in. Stormfly didn't want to fly in as much as Astrid but she couldn't pull herself from the hums almost hypnotic trance. The dragon horde flew in and-after a few turns-were met with the bright light of bubbly magma. Astrids breathing began rapid, fear taking over. She scanned the room and saw that he dragons were dropping what food they had into the magma. Stormfly broke from the pack and flew onto a ledge. She hid them behind a large rock and peeked out. Astrid looked at the other dragons in the room. The once fearless, blood-thirsty dragons were now scared little puppies. 'Lured into Her trap.' Who was Her?

'Who dares...'

'No. No. No...' Stormfly started to back up and hid behind the rock, 'She smells you!'


'Intruder!' Suddenly, from the magma, exploded a huge dragon. Its mighty roar shook the rocky walls.

Taking Astrid by surprise Stormfly shot straight into the air, the other dragons immedietly following behind. The massive dragon roared angrily as it climbed up the wall. It snapped its vicious teeth at Astrid and Stormfly. Flapping wildly Stormfly evaded the bites and slipped out through the volcanos vent.

Their flight back to Berk was wild and panicky. The sun gently rose above horizon. "Oh no!" Astrid gasped, "Fly Stormfly! Fly!" Stormfly flew back to the arena quickly. In her panicked state she tripped and crashed into the gate to her cage. Astrid jumped off Stormfly and threw open the age. Stormfly ran in and laid down on the ground, pretending to be asleep. Astrid closed and locked the gate. After making sure that nobody was nearby she took off towards her house, she thanked Thor for her parents being late sleepers.

"Hey Astrid!"

Astrid tripped to a stop. She looked to where she was being called from. Oh thank Thor..., she breathed a sigh of relief, It's only Snotlout.

The cocky viking walked up to her, still obviously tired, "What are you doing up so early? I thought someone like you would want to get as much beauty rest as possible."

Astrid nearly gagged at the pathetic complement, "I was just out for a morning walk." She continued walking to her house.

"Really?" Snotlout didn't other to hide the confusion, but I just saw you running."

"Whatever," Astrid opened the front door her house an slipped in.

Snolout was left there. He was puzzled by Astrids behavior. He glanced over to where she had com from. The Killing Arena? What is she up to?

How To Train Your Dragon: Scarsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें