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Ever since Stoick made his deal with Dagur the days on Berk have felt...quiet. Maybe a bit to quiet. Something wasn't right; Stoick hasn't heard from the Beserkers ever since they left to go find Hiccup and that dragon. And that was three months ago! Stoick began to grow impatient. He waited by the docks every day; hoping to see at least one Beserker ship sail towards them.

"Stoick," Gobber begged his old friend, " will ye sit down? They'll find Hiccup."

Stoick paced around the Great Hall's fire pit, "I just don't trust that lunatic. Ah! What was I thinkin'!"

"You were thinking about your son, " Gobber tried to explain.

Stoick stopped pacing and sat down next to Gobber, "I know...but."

"They'll find him," Gobber placed a reassuring hand on Stoick's Shoulder, "Don't you worry." Suddenly a horn blew form outside. The two men rushed quickly to the doors. Stoick shoved them open and they banged against the rocky wall. His gaze immediately locked onto the ocean and it was greeted by one lonely Beserker ship.

"Now that's a bit odd," Gobber noted, " Why would they bring only one ship?"

Something isn't right, Stoick felt it in his stomach. The Chief raced down the stairs and almost bulldozed he way through the town. He rushed his way to the docs and almost fell into the water when he came to a halt. Stoick looked over the ship once, "Where's Dagur? And my son and his dragon?"

A Beserker solider stepped off the boat and faced Stoick, a look of shock and sadness on his face. "Chief Stoick," the man began, "Our search for your son and that dragon led us to far outside the borders of the Archipelago to an unknown village."

"Well? What happened!?" Stoick grew impatient.

The solider looked as if he did not want to retale what happened but he shoved back the pain and cleared his throat, "Hiccup was there. A fisherman told us the he had seen a Night Fury flying around the island so we went there...and..."

"And what?" Stoick half urged, half demanded.

"Dagur did at first try to explain why we were there and demanded the Chief to tell them where Hiccup was," the soldier explained, "But when the Chief refused to tell us where your son was Dagur...he...well..."

"Went beserk?" Stoick guessed, "I knew I shouldn't of trusted him..."

"Ah yes well," the solider went on," A fight broke out which set the village a blaze. During the battle one of our men thought he saw a black dragon fly away. When we ran to where they took off from we found Dagur...dead."

Stoick went white. The crowd that had gathered at the docks gasped in unison. "Was anybody else there?" Stoick questioned.

"Just Dagur," the poor soldier hung his head in sadness, he forced his tears away," You do realize what this means for both of our tribes sir? If it really was Hiccup who killed him-"

"That's impossible!" a man shouted from the crowd, "Hiccup can't even kill a dragon! What would make him even try to-"

"ENOUGH!" Stoick exclaimed. He turned back towards the solider, "Nobody saw who killed Dagur right?"

"That is correct Stoick," the soldier shook his head in agreement.

"So that doesn't mean Hiccup was the one who killed him," Stoick could barely take in all that was getting thrown at him, "Even...even if he what you claimed...what if I held Dagur's prevent our tribes from going to war?"

The solider thought about it, "I'll have to go over it with the Beserker's second-in-command. Until then I best you start planning that funeral." The solider stepped back onto the ship.

Stoick stood there as the ship sailed off. The crowd began to disperse. Their Chief could hardly understand the news given to him. Did Hiccup actually kill Dagur?


Heavy rain fell like mad as Toothless and Hiccup just sat there quietly on a deserted island. He felt the silence. Do I say something? W-What should I do? the dragon couldn't make up his mind. Toothless glanced at Hiccup. The young boy was just huddled up, staring at the blood stained sword. The dragon slowly walked up to his friend. 'Hiccup?' Toothless waited to see if Hiccup would respond. 'Buddy? Y-You okay?'

Hiccup didn't even look at his dragon.

Toothless sat down and looked around, hoping to find the answer just laying on the ground. Toothless understood...the shock...Hiccup couldn't kill him so being forced to kill a human must be breaking his soul right now. But he did it in a good intention. 'Hiccup...I know your shocked and...probably hurting right now...but...there is some good that came out it. I'm still alive! I...I guess I should say...thanks.'

The change of expression on Hiccup's face happened at the same time a low thunder rumbled above them, "Thanks? Thanks!?" Hiccup threw himself up, "Because of you I'm a murderer! Because of you my village will likely be going to war with the Beserkers! All because I had to save your pathetic life!"

'Pathetic!? Hiccup...' Toothless didn't bother to hid the tears.

"Because of you I have no home! Because of you my father hates me! My life is ruined because of you!" Hiccup yelled straight at Toothless. Rage dominated his face.

'Hiccup...' Toothless felt his heart break apart, ' didn't mean for any of this to happen.'

"Then you should of just killed me!" Hiccup screamed. The storm seemed to grow angrier with Hiccup. "Why didn't you kill me!?" Hiccup began walking closer to Toothless.

'I-I don't know,' Toothless backed up, 'I'm sorry.'

"Sorry isn't gonna bring that lunatic back!" Hiccup looked away, replaying the horrible vent in his head.

Toothless crept closer to Hiccup, hoping to calm him down in some way.

"No! Get away!" Hiccup shoved his dragon, "Go on! Get out of here!"


"GO! You've ruined enough of my life already!"

Toothless stood there for a few seconds before turning and running off, tears falling from his eyes. Hiccup watched his dragon run off, only now just understanding the full extent of what he said.

How To Train Your Dragon: ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now