39. Pound It Like a Hashtag

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Niall Horan seen at a college in Toronto, Canada in a dorm room with two men unconscious and three women, one half nude and unconscious, the other two awake and spill the story.

I read the article headline on the Daily Mail.

"Damn, it's been 2 months since I that shit and they're still on it?", I say to Niall in disbelief.

" Hey don't worry about it babe, it'll die down trust me.", he says as his chin dug into my neck and his arms wrapped around me.

I do trust him, more than he does thinks.

"Well, time for me to head out so bye.", I turn around and see his eyes already closed and lips puckered out.

"You're lucky that you're actually kinda cute.",I say and peck him on the lips.

" That's all I get?", he asks.

"If there's anymore done, I'll be late for work and Kim will have to serve all the tables herself.", he only pulls me closer so our hips meet.

" It's been a while though. I wanna touch you again.", he whispers into my ear and then his lips meet the skin on my jaw.

He knows that when he kisses that spot it makes me shiver. With the words he's speaking it's not helping either.

"Niall, I- ",I start to say but my words soon disappear as his hands go up and down my back and I can feel the lovebite forming on my jaw.

Stay strong Ana, don't let him win.

" I have to go.", I push at his shoulders and he groans but let's me go.

That's when I turn him around and pin his back against the wall of my new apartment that Amanda, Kim and I stay in.

Kara moved to San Francisco to stay with her boyfriend, Thomas. They moved awhile ago she told me she was so happy to be there with him. I can't wait until they get married, they've been together for so long anyway.

"Did you think I was gonna let you go that easily?", I say and take off the button up shirt I had on for work.

" Woah, that was hot.", he says once I'm done and I lift his shirt over his head.

He kisses me more and my body is on fire. Every time he kisses me I feel like this. Like nothing else exist but me and him, and I love it. His hands go below my ass and he grabs the back of my thighs, a sign for me to jump. I do and he carry's me to my bedroom of the apartment. He breaks our kiss and then runs down the hall with me still in his arms making airplane noises and spinning.

"Niall stop before I fall!", I yell while laughing at his childish ways.

" You're so corny, stop!", I yell again and he opens my bedroom door and places me there while our laughs mix together.

I love that about us. We're always laughing with eachother. Always smiling, cracking jokes, but most of all being by each other's side. He could be across the world, and we'd still find a way to talk and protect one another. This man above me is someone more to me than he was before he stole my hat. He is not just a beautiful person that can sing good and who's smile is gorgeous. He's kind, smart, funny, selfless, and has an open mind that I love. I love is view on life and everything around him.

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