Moon Pool Magic

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If anyone met the Sertori twins, there was no denying how close the two sisters were. Natalie and Cleo were two halves of the same coin, inseparable best friends that went through everything together. It was rare to see one of them without the other, which was the case when Cleo promised their friend Emma to help her train for her upcoming swim meet. The two brunettes watched their blonde friend glide through the water, making it look effortless as she swam.

As Emma finished her last lap, Cleo held out the stopwatch for her to see. The blonde looked at the time excitedly, "That's two under my personal best" Emma told them excitedly

"Emma you were really motoring out there" Natalie nodding in agreement with her twin.

"I'll do better than that tomorrow," Emma said determinedly "give me two weeks and I'll be ready for Regionals" With that she dove back under the water, swimming away from the twins.

"So cool" Cleo told Natalie

"I know, she makes it look so easy and graceful" Natalie agreed. She knew her sister was slightly jealous because of her fear of water, Natalie loved to swim but she looked no wear near as effortless as Emma when she swam.


After helping Emma with her training, the twins walked along the docks looking around at all of the boats. Walking by Zane Bennett, Natalie grabbed her sister's hand, pulling her away faster to try and avoid a problem. But luck was not on the Sertori twins' side because the boy spotted the girls as they tried to rush off.

"Cleo! Natalie!"

Cleo hesitated, making the other brunette pause as well. Zane smirked at the fact he caught their attention, "Yes you two. I'm having some trouble here, can you two help me?"

Looking over Cleo felt uneasy at his request and one look at her sister only reinforced the feeling. "I don't think so"

"Come on, please?" Zane begged "The Zodiac won't go and all I need you two to do is pass me the tools"

"I guess we can lend a hand," Natalie told him, leading Cleo down to the Zodiac. The two girls got into it, looking at the tools Zane had laid out already.

"It took me a while to realize that someone took my spark plug"

"That sounds important" Natalie spoke at the same time Cleo asked "So does it work without one?"

Zane laughed as he pushed the Zodiac away from the dock, laughing at the Sertoris' misfortune. "No, no spark plug no spark. I was getting sick of that thing anyways" Zane's friend Nate walked over, joining him in watching the two girls float away in the Zodiac.

Cleo let out a frustrated groan, " Why us? We didn't take your spark plug"

"Because you and Natalie were here Cleo, my dad will buy me another boat anyway." Pausing for a moment and mocking a thoughtful look Zane continued "I tell you what, if you girls get it going, you can keep it"

Rolling her eyes, Natalie resisted the urge to shout some very colorful language at Zane. "This isn't funny" the twins shouted at him annoyed

"Guess you'll have to swim for it Cleo" Zane shouted at the girl, knowing about her fear


Zane and Nate just continued to laugh at the sight in front of them, leaving the girls to float further and further away from the docks. Both girls groaned in frustration, dropping to the floor of the Zodiac. The boat rocked as Cleo nervously fidgeted, uncomfortable with the amount of water surrounding her. A hand grabbed hers, comfort flooding through her system with Natalie as her anchor to keep her calm. The sisterly moment was interrupted by a flash of blonde hair, a girl jumping down into the boat with them causing Cleo to scream and Natalie to jump in shock.

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