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Emma Gilbert was the most Type A personality that Natalie had ever met. Not to say that she didn't adore her - as Nat loved Emma dearly - but they were just two very different people. Emma was someone that thrived off of rules, planning, and order while Natalie was much more of a go-with-the-flow, we'll crossed that bridge when we get there kind of person. At times it could be painful to witness the blonde teenager stress about plans she took on solely by herself - now being a perfect example. An eye twitch that only ever became problematic when Emma's stress levels were palpable enough to influence those around her had started up as Natalie listened to the many instructions being hurtled at herself and Cleo.

"You should write that down." Emma informed the twins.

Natalie blinked, having not heard a word that had previously been spoken. In an attempt to avoid a scolding the brunette snatched a pen off of the counter and handed it off to her twin - whom she hoped had been paying better attention. Thankfully one of the sisters knew what was happening as Cleo began scribbling notes on the palm of her hand. Emma forced a rather painful looking smile with her own eye twitching ever so slightly. 

"You're grinding your teeth..." Rikki commented warily.

"It's called a smile, Rikki."

Certainly didn't sound like one. Natalie couldn't remember the last time she'd heard a smile. "That smile sounds like when the brakes on Ty's jeep are shot." She whispered to Rikki. 

The three girls watched warily as their friend micromanaged her little brother's decorating skills. Watching Elliot bounce one of the many balloons he'd been inflating off of her head, it was clear that his annoyance levels were rather high in regards to the party planning. Natalie couldn't blame him, she hadn't even been inside the Gilbert for more than five minutes and she was already stressed.

"If you want something right, you gotta do it yourself." Emma muttered to herself, before she handed over papers to her friends. "Tonight's itinerary!"

Natalie tuned out from the conversation as she stared blankly at the meticulous timeline for the night. Doesn't it take all of the fun and suprise out of a surprise party? A little spontaneity never hurt anyone. Part of her was slightly worried that her friend had even gone so far as to detail a bathroom schedule for all of the partygoers - a thought she kept to herself for fear of being right. Rikki drew the older twin out of her thoughtful stupor and pulled her over to flop down on the couch.

"This is going to be a long night isn't it?" Rikki groaned. She buried her head into Natalie's shoulder in an effort to muffle the start of Emma's long-winded speech.

"I've got a sinking feeling that you're spot on about that Rikki..."


"I can't stop thinking about what that old woman said." Cleo fretted to Natalie and Rikki.

The blonde rolled her eyes, "We're mermaids, not werewolves."

Natalie nodded in agreement. "Deep breathes twin, none of us will be howling at the moon tonight."

They fell silently in line behind Emma who was greeting guests at the door. While nobody was thrilled to see Zane and Miriam cross the threshold, Lewis and Tyler were a welcomed addition to the party. 

"Lewis, Ty, right on time." Emma welcomed them in and accepted the present for her father. "I need you guys to man the door whilst I get some drinks!"

Natalie hung back with the two boys as she was in desperate need of a break. Tyler nudged her shoulder lightly in greeting like he usually did, "You look nice tonight - though the eye twitch is an interesting accessory."

Metamorphosis~ H2O: Just Add WaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora