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"I want to die." Wonwoo said as he hesitantly lifted himself into Mingyu's car.

"Come on, lighten up. It'll be fun. I hope you scream like a child. Or even better hold my hand. Oh my god we could have a cute moment where you jump in my arm-"

"I'd rather smash my face into a brick wall then jump in your arms, Kim Mingyu." Wonwoo said (but In his mind agreeing it would be very cute and he'd pray that would happen).

"I'm sure. You know you love me." Mingyu said pinching Wonwoo's cheek.

"I know I love my life enough to want you to keep both hands on the wheel damnit, you're gonna pay for my funeral asshole." Wonwoo said about to slice a bitch.

"Well you're definitely angered. This is so funny, I'm out." Mingyu said laughing as Wonwoo's face was brighter than his future.

"Just drive." Wonwoo said rolling his eyes.

"Don't have to anymore because guess what bitch? WE HERE." Mingyu said hopping out of the car like a child at a carnival.

"Oh god I'm regretting this. Why did I agree again? Mingyu I'm actually about to shit myself. I really don't wanna be here, fuck this shit I'm out." Wonwoo said trying to get back in the car so he could lock himself in.

"Oh hell nah boy, you're coming with me. I'm so excited, oh my god this is happening. Here we go. Also lmao please chill I don't want barf on my shirt, thanks" Mingyu said doing the bitch smile and wrapping his arms around Wonwoo as he felt a icy glare pierce into his soul.

As Mingyu bought their tickets, Wonwoo couldn't help but stare at the house. It was obviously very old, and they only let a group of two go in one at a time until each group was out. He could hear the screams of the group in at the moment now and honestly, he wanted to die rather than be here.

"Mingyu I really don't know about this." Wonwoo said rubbing his arms in the chilly weather, huffing and nervously pacing.

"Hey, I'm serious. Don't worry. I'm gonna be here the whole time, okay? I'll be with you the entire way and it'll be over before you know it." Mingyu said, surprisingly being genuinely serious looking at Wonwoo with care in his eyes, that made the older unwillingly blush.

"Yeah, I guess so." Wonwoo said, still nervous as shit.

Each group went in and every single time there was constantly screams. What the fuck could be in there? At this point Wonwoo was already accepting death, but if we're being honest, he's lowkey hoping him and Mingyu have ATLEAST one moment. Wonwoo knows (assumes) Mingyu doesn't like him and he's (painfully) accepted that. It's not like he'd tell him he has feelings for him anyway, because he'd rather not cry and have his feelings hurt, thanks.

"Next in line." The creepy guy with the fake split in half face said, breaking Wonwoo's train of thought.

"Oh fuck me up, I can't do this Ming." Wonwoo said about to fly to the car because fuck this shit.

"It's okay. It's okay remember what I said, I'm gonna be here the whole time, alright?" Mingyu said smiling.

Mingyu decided to lead, as Wonwoo obviously wasn't going in first. Wonwoo was way too scared (and at the moment prideful) to ask to hold Mingyu's hand so he nervously walked slowly behind him.

From seemingly nowhere a man with a chainsaw jumped out and jumped near them resulting in Wonwoo letting out this highest pitched scream of existence and jumping to Mingyu, who flinched.

"Hey, hey it's okay." He said putting his arm around his shoulders, while Wonwoo attempted to hide his face in Mingyu's arm, as the younger steered them away from the man.

Suddenly a small child walked up to them, covered in blood with black eyes and giggling extremely disturbingly.

"What the fuck why do they have actual kids here OH my god isn't this illegal what the hell???" Wonwoo said scared but confused as hell gripping Mingyu and trying to escape the stare of the child.

Now before we get to the next part lets get one thing clear. Wonwoo hates clowns. They make him simply want to die. He'd rather smash his head In a bowl of needles than be 100 feet near a clown. Well you can imagine what happened next.

Suddenly a clown popped up. Where you may ask? Right, next to Wonwoo right in his face.

Wonwoo jumped up and screamed the loudest he's ever screamed while nearly crying and actually jumping onto Mingyu. He was basically hugging him, cuddling him standing up trying not to cry.

They went through the rest of the house and thankfully made it out (after many screams, hand clutches and terrorizing memories).

"Oh my fucking god." Wonwoo said choking on his breath when they finally made it out.

"You did it!! You went through the whole thing and didn't pass out! I knew you could do it! I'm so proud!" Mingyu said genuinely proud of this small bean that actually went through with it, spinning him around.

"I know. I did." Wonwoo said, giggling when he was finally put back down.

"I knew you'd be in my arms after the clowns." Mingyu said smirking reminding Wonwoo of the cuddle session when he nearly burst in tears.

"Shut up, please don't." Wonwoo said looking down with flushed cheeks, recalling the memory he'd never live down.

"No, no. I think it was really cute." Mingyu said smiling tilting Wonwoo's head to look at him.

"I'm serious, stop." Wonwoo said trying to calm down so he wouldn't be read the whole time they talk.

"You know, Won, I can't help but feel you think I joke about a lot of stuff I say. I mean I do, but not everything, you know? You really don't see how amazing you are and I wish you could see yourself through my eyes." Mingyu said staring into Wonwoo's eyes looking for any emotion he could come across.

"Mingyu, don't fuck with me." Wonwoo whispered full of emotions thinking it was a joke.

"I'm not joking. Think what you want, but you really mean a lot to me." Mingyu said hesitantly gliding his fingers onto Wonwoo's pale cold hand.

Wonwoo looked down, holding in a small gasp and looking back at Mingyu. He hesitantly incased his fingers with Mingyu's looking for a sign of disgust or just being uncomfortable. But when all he found was admiration he couldn't help but look down again.

"Please don't kill me for this." Mingyu said, voice shaky along with his hands.

"Kill you for Wh-"

Wonwoo attempted to finish his sentence before he felt soft warm lips on his own. He felt a million emotions race through his body but the only thing he could comprehend to do was to hold the back of Mingyu's head as Mingyu held his cheeks.

They released after a moment, putting their foreheads together with small smiles on their faces.

"I really hope that wasn't a mistake or anything. Because if I'm being honest I've wanted that to happen for a long time." Wonwoo whispered grabbing Mingyu's hand like a life source.

"Nothing with you is a mistake, Wonwoo." Mingyu said kissing him once more, and wrapping his arms around him, pulling him into a hug. All he could think of was how much he was glad this moment was happening and how lucky he was.

        His Wonwoo.

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