I thought. . . [Part 3]

Start from the beginning

Diary of Y/N L/N

Do not touch! Or I will slice your head off! :3 I'm just kidding... huehue xD

Mabel smiled. She regret every time she would remember everything that had happened in Gravity Falls, for she would remember you, being left alone and hurt.

Before she knew it, tears were now flowing.

✖«Few days after the wedding, Friday 6:18 am»

Friday supposed to be a happy day for Dipper. But, guess what?

It's not.

He noticed everytime he would look at Mabel, she's frowning and sad. Even on his wedding. As he glanced at his sister, she's looking down on the ground and silent tears were coming out.

And it worried him.

Today, Mabel's going somewhere. But she can't tell Dipper when he's actually the one who broke your heart and die without him even worried.

So as Mabel walked down the stairs with the same book she carried a week ago, Dipper put a stop to this, this instant.

"Hey," Dipper put up a hand infront of him. "Where do you think you're going?"

Mabel shrugged absentmindedly, "To my friends' house, duh."

He raised an unsure eyebrow and continued, "Why are you always with your friends and not me?! On my special day, you didn't even smiled or looked at me in the eye, telling me that everything's alright! But, nooo! You're with your stupid, careless and worthless friends!"

Mabel gasped. No one should describe you like that. "How dare you say my friends' all worthless! How 'bout you? You don't care about me, your sister, even your longtime, childhood friends! You forgot about them and paid more attention to your puny, ugly, no-good wife!"

But before Dipper could respond, Mabel added, "I'm out of here. I still have something to do with my true friends." She walked to the door angrily and slammed it close.

Dipper thought for a second before declaring a plan.

Mabel drove to the nearest flower shop as she's now have a driver licence to go anywhere. She walked inside and picked a fresh F/Flower to pay to the cashier.

After that, she drove again, not noticing another vehicle was following her.


Mabel kneeled down and placed your flower next to your grave.

"Sorry for not visiting you in a few days... my brother's keeping me in."


"I'm slightly proud of you, Y/N. You managed to stay alive and be with me until your last breath."

After Mabel's long talk, she stood up and walked away reluctantly. But unfortunately, she was bumped into Dipper.

"So, this is where you're... going?" He asked.

"Why do you care? I'm her for my 'stupid, careless, worthless friend.'" Mabel emphasized what her brother said earlier.

He stayed silent. "I-I'm sorry."

"Whatever. Just take this," Mabel shoved the book into Dipper's chest. "It's from Y/N. Remember her?"

He eyed the book in front of him.

"She wrote that before she died."

After Dipper heard this, he gasped, "Y/N's... gone?"


Mabel walked away, fresh tears on the corner of her eyes.

"She's gone."


I was planning that this would be the last part, but I thought that I'm not updating for 2 weeks now..? So... here ya go. Part 4 will be published... I dunno 😂

1514 words

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