Chapter 5

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 When Karma said 'elsewhere', I never would've expected him to mean his house.

But there we were, standing together alone in the wide living room of his house; from outside, his house was a little less than a mansion and the interior wasn't any smaller either. The walls were painted a pale peach color and they were adorned with countless abstract paintings placed in fancy, intricate frames, the furniture seemed to have been imported from foreign countries judging from their exotic patterns and designs, and there was a beautiful glass self that was filled with items that also possessed foreign characteristics; it was apparent that Karma's family was indeed very, very wealthy.

"Your house is very..." I tried to search for a word that would fit the exotic decorations of the building but at the end settled for a simple, "Nice."

Karma scoffed. "My parents are kind of eccentric, they travel a lot and always buy a bunch of weird souvenirs from different countries."

"Oh, do they come back often?" I inquired as I cautiously took a seat down on the colorful couch and I nearly lost my balance and fell down at how unexpectedly soft it was.

"Maybe once or twice a year, I don't keep count," he replied simply, obviously not interested on the topic. "I don't really care."

"Oh..." I mumbled, unsure what to say. "And you don't have any siblings?"

Karma shook his head. "Nope."

My eyebrows furrowed a bit in concern. "Don't you get lonely then?"

"I'm used to it." He said and stretched his arms. "Hey, do you want anything to drink, (L/ N)-san?"

"Um, no, thank you," I refused politely and decided I should ask him the question that had been burning on my mind ever since he told me that we'd be going to his house. "But I was actually wondering if we could... go to your room...?"

A smirk found its way onto the redhead's lips and he smirked smugly at me as he teased, "I never knew you were so lewd, (L/ N)-san, but I won't protest if you want to do it-"

"T-That's not what I-I meant by that, K-Karma-kun!" I stuttered, embarrassed. "I-I merely wanted to see what your room is like... because I've heard that one's room can tell a lot about their personality, so I thought that I should give it a shot..."

Karma stared at me, his mercury-hued-eyes never once breaking their focus on me and I began to feel a bit uneasy. I started to fiddle with my fingers awkwardly as I waited unnervingly for his response. "B-But I'd completely understand if that's too personal for you! I-I mean..." I trailed off, flustered and clumsy with my words.

"Alright." Karma said which made me snap my head up from my fingers to look at him. "Thank you, Karma-kun." I murmured and got up from the overly-soft-couch. He simply nodded and gestured for me to follow him, I obliged and trailed after him up the swirl staircase.

We passed several doors on our way to Karma's room but he told me that most of them were guest bedrooms which were usually empty. The hallway was rather long and the walls were pastel yellow with tiny detailed patterns lining the top and bottom; there were also more paintings hung beside each door. It took us a while until we'd finally reached Karma's room, which door was painted a vibrant red, almost the same shade as his hair; I smiled at the resemblance, I supposed that was his favorite color.

I waited as Karma turned the doorknob and pushed open the door. He stepped aside and gestured for me to enter first, I thanked him and went inside. Upon the first step in, my eyes had already begun a thorough scan through the room; it was large, but that much was expected from the size of the house, the walls were plain white and inside the room were an average-sized-bed(which seemed rather small for the room), a desk stacked with books, a chair and a small shelf filled with manga.

I walked further into the room, getting a clearer view of things; from the pile of textbooks and workbooks on the desk, I could tell that he was working hard in his studies but from the blue Nintendo next to those stacks of books, I could tell that he was capable of having some fun as well, and all I could deduce from the shelf was that he liked manga. To be honest, I thought that there would be something more for me to figure out his personality and was slightly disappointed that there weren't.

My lips parted as I was about to speak but the words stopped dead on the tip of my tongue when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "(L/ N)-san," my eyes widened as Karma whispered my name in my ear before giving it a gentle tug making me wince. He chuckled at my response and leaned his face down to the base of my neck to place a butterfly kiss.

"K-Karma-kun," I gasped in his hold. "What... are you doing...?"

"Taking you as mine." He murmured and before I could even muster a word, he bit the sensitive skin of my neck causing me to yelp. Tears sprung to my eyes at the pain spreading from the base of my neck and my arms struggled to free myself from Karma's grip but he was too strong.

"You really are an idiot, (L/ N)-san," he said and bit harder into my neck and I had to bite down on my bottom lip to prevent myself from erupting into screams. "I've warned you once before and yet you still went through with that stupid plan of yours, now you're going to get exactly what you deserve."

Within a blink of an eye, Karma had pushed me against his door and he pulled his lips from my neck only to crash them onto my lips. My eyes widened immensely at the realization that Akabane Karma was indeed kissing me; his soft lips were moving roughly against mine and for some reason, I liked it, craved it even.

He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance but I kept my lips closed. I realized then that Karma was a foul player as he slid one hand down my waist to my bum and gave it a harsh squeeze making me gasp in shock and he wasted no time sliding his tongue into my opened mouth, exploring as much as his heart desired. He tasted of the iced tea that he had earlier at the café; sweet yet with a bitter aftertaste that I strangely liked. The kiss was extremely heated and I could feel my heart pounding heavily in my chest, threatening to burst out from the adrenaline that was flowing through my veins. His delicious taste mixed with his intoxicating scent was enough to drive me over the edge; my legs had started to tremble underneath me, unable to hold up my weight for much longer.

I didn't protest as his other hand pulled off my coat and loosened my necktie, my mind still entranced by the amazing feeling of his lips on my own but my eyes shot open when I felt Karma's hand which remained on my bum moved upward, into my skirt. He hooked a finger into the side of my panties, tugging it lightly- teasing me.

"K-Karma-kun, s-stop..." I tried to say but my words were muffled in the hot kiss.

He then broke away from the kiss, leaving me breathless and blushing like mad and pulled me into his arms, carrying me. He made his way towards the opposite side of the room and threw me down forcefully onto his bed causing me to let out a grunt from the impact. Within a second, he was on top of me, straddling my hips as well as pinning me onto the bed. His hands roamed over my body, caressing my curves before they reached for the buttons of my shirt.

I watched, petrified as he unbuttoned it; with each passing second, a bit more of my skin was slowly exposed to his eyes- his eyes which were clouded with lust. But I noticed then that there was more than lust in those beautiful mercury eyes of his and it took me a moment until I realized that it was reluctance. My eyes trailed down from his face to his hands which were halfway done unbuttoning my shirt, and I could see the faintest tremble in them.

"Karma-kun, stop this." I told him but he ignored my words, his eyes avoiding mine and I knew why and he did too; he knew that if he'd looked in my eyes, he would stop, and he didn't wanted to stop, yet he didn't wanted to continue.

I lowered my voice into a whisper and I murmured in the gentlest tone I could muster, "Stop pretending, Karma-kun."

That did the trick; he stopped almost immediately.

"Thank you, Karma-kun," I murmured, my tensed body relaxing as I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "But tell me, why did you do it?"

His head was casted down so his red bangs covered his eyes from mine, all I could see of his face was his mouth which was pulled into a grim line. "Because I like you, (L/ N)-san." He replied, his voice devoid of any emotion.

"I... I don't understand why that has to do with anything-"

"And it's because I like you, I want you to stay away from me. I knew that you wouldn't if I told you to... so I decided that I could scare you away." He explained and I noticed his hands clenching into hard fists at his side; every small movement of his body signaled that he wanted to cry, but I knew that his pride wouldn't allow him to do so. And the resistance that he was showing... how hard he was trying to hold in the tears... broke my heart. "I may not be sure if I'm psychotic or not, but," he continued. "I do know that something's wrong with me, and I don't want to hurt you... that is the last thing that I want."

I reached my hand up to stroke his cheek and his eyes slowly met mine. "Karma-kun, I knew what I was signing up for when I'd made our agreement, and I'm not going to back out."

Every single one of his features was unreadable, all except his mercury eyes which held a slight sense of melancholy in them. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down into a hug. His forehead rested against mine and he closed his eyes once he was convinced of my dedication in this deal of ours, and I closed mine. "You couldn't scare me away even if you tried, Karma-kun, I promise that I'll stay with you no matter what."

He didn't move and neither did I, I was willing to stay like that for as long as he needed to regain his composure- to heal. Because at that moment, I finally realized that he was no longer my study subject, he was my patient, and he needed me just as much as I needed him.  

The Girl Who Loved A Beautiful Devil ~Karma AkabaneXReader~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin