~Chapter 12~

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I get off of Derrick and stand up. "But I was so comfortable here with you on me." I roll my eyes at him as he stands up. "Alright. What have you worked on already?" I take a moment to think. "Well, I worked on my fire with Jarron, and Sage helped my practice my levitation ability."  He places his hand on his chin.

"If I remember correctly, then your last power is invisibility." I nod my head. He sighs. "This is going to be a challenge." I look at him. "Why is that?" "The other two had the same power as you, so that was easy for them to show you how to control yours, but I don't have invisibility, so how am I going to help?" "Oh..." I hang my head in disappointment. He sighs again.

"We have to start somewhere. When do you notice that your arm has become invisible?"
I start to rub my arm again. "After I rub it against something." "Like you're doing now?" I look down to see my hand resting on my arm. "Yeah." "And what causes you to start rubbing your arm?" As I watch my arm, my hand slowly starts rubbing it again. "Nervousness usually." He reaches over and grabs my hand, stopping it from rubbing my arm. He looks me straight in the eyes. "Are you nervous Mandy?" My voice comes out as a whisper.

"Yeah..." "Look down." I do as he instructs me and look down. When I look down, I see that my feet have become invisible. Excited, I look back up at Derrick, who is smiling at me. "You did it Derrick! You...you..." He cuts me off. "That wasn't me Mandy. You did that all on your own." He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a hug. I rest my head on his shoulder, still smiling. "I did it Derrick. I actually did it." His soft voice tickles my ear. "Yeah. You did. Congratulations." As we hug, the door flies open as Jarron strides in.

"Hey Derrick! Have you seen Sage? I think she..." He stops as Derrick and I separate. "...I'm sorry. Was I interrupting something?" Derrick nods his head. Jarron rolls his eyes. "Well, too bad..." Derrick sighs and places his hand on his forehead. "...Sage was in my room again. She stole my bottle of Jack Daniels. I thought I hid it well this time..." I cut Jarron off. "You drink that? You don't look like 21 to me." He chuckles. "Sorry to disappoint you Princess." He turns his attention back to Derrick.

"You have to find her man. God knows how she can get when she's drunk..." "Yeah, yeah. I know how she gets." He sighs again. "Let's go find your sister." Derrick exits the room, leaving Jarron and I alone. Jarron walks over to me and kisses me. I forget about everything that's happening for the few seconds our lips are touching, but Derrick comes back in, causing Jarron to pull away. "Aren't you coming  Jarron." Jarron rolls his eyes. "Yeah. I'm coming. Just had to tell the Princess something."He winks at me before he walks out behind Derrick.

Not sure what to do, I decide to stay in the training room and work on my powers. I take a deep breath and position myself in the pose Jarron showed me. As I raise my arm, I imagine my hand catching on fire by Jarron throwing a fireball at it. Startled by imagining Jarron, I stop raising my arm, open my eyes, and lose focus. I feel my cheeks turn red as I try to shake the thought of him out of my head. Come on Mandy. Focus. I take another deep breath before trying again. I raise my hand again and imagine it's on fire without Jarron. I take another deep breath before opening my eyes. As I open them, I remind myself not to forget imagining my hand on fire. The flames lick my hand as I stare at it. Tearing my eyes away from my accomplishment, I focus my vision on the target that Jarron brought out earlier. I close my eyes and imagine the fireball flying out of my hand and hitting the target. I open my eyes just in time to see the fireball collide with the center of the target. It disappears in a puff of smoke. I smile and jump up and down.

A voice behind me interrupts my celebration. "Wow. Looks like you do have it in you Princess." I turn around to see Jarron leaning against the door frame watching me. My cheeks go pink at the sight of him. "Aren't you supposed to be looking for your sister Jarron?" He looks down and smiles slyly. "It wasn't Sage I was worried about Princess, but my bottle of Jack Daniels. That stuff is really hard to come by these days..." I roll my eyes in disgust. "You really are a jerk Jarron. You don't even care about your own sister! You're too busy worrying about your stupid alcohol!"

I regret saying that as I see pain flicker in his eyes. They change to something else as he walks over to me. "Would a jerk do this?" In an instant, his strong arms wrap around me and pull me towards him. He locks his lips with mine as he kisses me viciously. As we kiss, I realize what I saw in his eyes as he walked over to me. I saw desire. Desire for me. The door swings open as Sage stumbles in, obviously drunk. "Hey Jarron. That cute guy with gold eyes said that you was looking for me?" Jarron pulls away from me at the sound of her voice. He turns his attention to his sister.

"Good. What did you do with my bottle of Jack Daniels Sage?" She giggled and hiccups. "I put it where the monsters can't find it." He rolls his eyes as his sister speaks nonsense. "Show me where you put it Sage." She smiles and nods her head dramatically. "Of course! Follow me." Before following Sage, Jarron turns back around and winks at me. The door closes shut, leaving me all alone with the realization that I might actually like Jarron.

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