~Chapter 5~

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I awake to the sound of birds chirping and my body floating in mid-air. I start to panic and frantically move around. After a few seconds, I fall back into my bed. My chest heaves up and down as I try to calm myself down. How was I able to float? Levitation isn't possible! I get out of my bed and head downstairs hoping that eating something will help me clear my head. As I enter the kitchen, I see that the rest of my family is already up.

"Good morning sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" My mom kisses my forehead as I walk by and grab my cup of coffee from her. I yawn. "Yeah mom. I slept fine." My mom goes over and kisses my dad behind the paper he was reading. "I have to go to work now. I'll see you guys later. Oh, and Mandy, it's your turn to watch Adam today. I would take him with me, but I have an important board meeting today."

My mom grabs her coffee cup and heads out the door. She stops to blow my brother a kiss and wave to me. I wave but stop to yawn again. My dad folds up the paper he was reading and sets it down on the table. "I guess I should be going too. These houses won't build themselves." He hugs my brother and kisses my forehead.

"Now remember: Mandy, make sure your brother stays out of trouble, and Adam, don't make your sister want to rip her hair out." Adam nods, his mouth full of pancakes. I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever dad." My dad waves before grabbing his hardhat and heading out the door as well.

The door closes shut, leaving Adam and I alone at the table. "Hey Mandy! Look at me!" I look over at him. Adam has taken his sausage rolls and made them look like fangs. I shake my head at him and smack him in the back of the head as I head back to my room.

"Ow! What the heck Mandy!" I look at him and roll my eyes. "When will you ever learn to act your age." At that moment, I sneeze, but not an ordinary sneeze. When I sneeze, I sneeze fire. The flames flicker and linger in the air for a second before disappearing.

"Woah. How did you do that?" Adam has removed the sausages and is staring at me. I look at him in shock before running up the stairs. I shut my door and lean against it, wondering how I was able to sneeze actual fire. I rub my arm nervously. It gets warm where my hand is, so I quit rubbing.

I look at my arm, expecting to see redness where I rubbed, but instead I could see through my arm where it was rubbed. I begin to shake and hold my arm away from me. How is this happening to me? Trying to get my arm back to normal, I shake my arm, but that only manages to make the rest of my arm invisible. I stop shaking it and look away, trying to think of a possible explanation.

Relax Mandy. Your mind is trying to mess with you. All of the stress is getting to you. I take a deep breath and look back at my arm. My arm has gone back to normal. I let out a sigh of relief. I sit down on the edge of my bed. What is going on with me? I take out my phone and text Lexi.

'Hey Lexi. It's Mandy. Can I come over? I really need to show you something. By the way, I have to bring Adam. I have to watch him today.'

I lay down on my bed and think about what has happened today: I woke up floating, I sneezed fire, and just now my arm became invisible. My phone dings, taking me out of my daze.

'One minute ago:Yeah sure. U can come over. I will be waiting.'

I get up and toss on some clothes before leaving my room and heading downstairs. Once I get down there, I see that Adam has migrated from the kitchen and is now watching TV in the living room. "Hey Adam! Go get changed. We're going to head over to Ryan's house for a while." "Yay! I get to see Ryan! Thank you Mandy!"

He comes over and hugs me before running upstairs to get changed. I sigh and sit down in the kitchen. I pull out my phone and stare at the screen, a picture of Grayson and I at the fair I hadn't gotten around to changing since we broke up. I decide to text him.

'Hey Grayson. It's Mandy. Are you doing anything today?'

As I wait for a response, Adam comes flying down the stairs with one of his action figures in his hand. "Come on Mandy! Let's go!" He comes over, grabs my arm, and drags me out of the kitchen. "Okay! Just let me grab my keys buddy. Then we'll go, okay?" I grab my set of keys off of the table in the entryway and we head out of the house. "Can I ride my tricycle there Mandy?"

He tugs on my jacket as I lock the door. "Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Just make it quick. Lexi and Ryan are expecting us." "Yes!" He smiles before running around the side of the house to get his tricycle. I feel my phone vibrate as I watch him run off. I pull it out of my pocket and look to see who it is.

One new message from Grayson.

'One minute ago: Nope. I have absolutely nothing planned for today.'

I text him back quickly as Adam speeds out from around the house and heads for Lexi's house.

'Is it okay if I come by later?'

"Adam! Wait up buddy!" I put my phone in my pocket and chase after him.

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