~Chapter 7~

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Sure enough, when I look, my hair is on fire. I watch as the tips of my long blonde hair turn red and burst into flames. It rests against my shoulders, doing no damage. As soon as it starts, the flames crackle before disappearing. I look over at Lexi, who is covering her mouth with her hand.

"Did you see that too?" She nods her head. I look back at my unburned hair as she begins to speak. "I don't know what just happened, but I think you need to get help Mandy. You're really taking these "magic tricks" way too far."

I look over at her. "What do you mean Lexi? That wasn't a magic trick! That really happened! There's something wrong with me!" Lexi's face turns red.

"Wrong with you? Wrong with you? Hell yes there is something wrong with you! You could have burned down the entire house with your stupid trick! Don't you care? You could have hurt or even killed your own brother along with my family and I! What would you tell my father. 'Oh I'm sorry Mr. Hallagan. I accidentally killed your entire family with a stupid trick.'?

" I stand there in shock as Lexi rages.

"Listen Mandy, since you're one of my only good friends, I'll watch Adam for you, but I think it would be best for you to leave." As she says this, she walks over and opens her bedroom door.

I stand there for a moment, completely unsure of what just happened. Lexi is a calm and down-to-earth person. I've never seen her this angry or upset before. Her harsh voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Go Mandy! Get out of my house! Now!" I quickly make my way out of her house with Lexi following me closely. As soon as I make it out on the porch, I hear Lexi slam the door shut and lock it behind me. I take a deep breath before heading to Grayson's house. If anyone would believe me, it would be him, and right now, I really need someone to convince me that I'm not going crazy.

The way there is quiet without having Adam with me. Without him there, I notice that the sky is the same shade of grey as yesterday, which normally means rain. I stop and sigh. As I'm standing there, I hear a rustling noise coming from the area beside me. Looking to the left, I see a dark figure dart behind some trees. I shake off the figure, thinking my mind is still trying to play tricks on me. I wrap my jacket tighter around me and walk the rest of the way to Grayson's house.

I hesitate before ringing the doorbell. What if he doesn't believe me either? I have no time to think as Grayson answers the door. He smiles as he sees me. "Hey Mandy."

"Hi Grayson. Is it okay if I come in?" He moves away from the door and lets me in. "Yeah. Of course. Come on in." "Who is it Grayson?" Mrs. Connors comes into the entryway. Grayson looks down. "It's just Mandy mom." Her face lights up when she sees me. "Oh hi Mandy! I haven't seen you in a long time..."

Grayson sighs. He leans over and whispers into my ear. "I'll be in my room. Just meet me up there when she's done." He goes up the stairs, leaving me alone with his mom. "I'm so glad you guys got back together." I look at her as my cheeks turn slightly pink. "Um...Mrs. Connors, we didn't actually..."

"He's been really depressed since you guys broke up, but recently he's been quite happy. I suspected it had something to do with you. You are such a lovely young lady..."

I cut her off politely. "Mrs. Connors, I should really go see Grayson..." She smiles at me sweetly. "Of course. You're here for him. Well, it was nice talking to you." "Nice talking to you too Mrs. Connors."

She waves at me as I ascend the stairs to Grayson's room. I knock on his door. His voice comes from inside. "You can come in Mandy." I shut the door behind me and take off my jacket. Grayson is spinning around in the chair by his desk. I sit down on his bed and look around his familiar room. There are the same posters on his walls, the same overflowing laundry basket, and the same figures covering his cluttered desk. I happen to notice that he still has the pictures of us taped to the mirror that hangs on the back of his door.

"So how have you been Mandy? It's been a while since we've talked." His voice snaps me back to the present. "Oh, I've been okay, I guess. How have you been?" He shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "I've been alright." I rub my arm nervously. "So, um, Grayson..." He looks over at me. "Yeah?" I take a deep breath. "...I know I probably sound crazy, but I think I have magical powers."

Unlike Lexi, he stays silent and just stares at me. I place my hand on my forehead. "As weird as it may sound..." My sentence trails off as I look over at my arm and see that it has become invisible again. I jump up and stick my arm out. "See? Look!" I show him my invisible arm. He grabs my arm gently and looks at it. He doesn't say anything as he lets go.

I stare at him and let my emotions get the best of me. "You know what? Why did I even show you? You don't believe me. You think I'm crazy too." I put my jacket back on as Grayson stands up and grabs my arm.

"Mandy, wait! It's... it's complicated..." He lets go and looks down. "Forget it Grayson, okay. What does it matter to you anyway?" He looks up at me just as I happen to look over at him. A tear twinkles as it rolls down his cheek. I quickly look away and make my way out of his house. I walk until I can't see his house anymore. Deep in my thoughts, a rustle beside me startles me.

I jump as a bunny darts out in front of me and makes its way across the street. I sigh and place my hand on my heart, glad that someone wasn't actually following me. I hear a twig snap behind me. With my heart in my throat, I look behind me. As I do that, the figure I saw earlier grabs me and pulls me into the forest.

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