The Front Doors

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I sat my bag down on my empty bed. This boarding house sucks. I thought as I sat down, scanning my empty room. Everything was filthy. I hated filth. After school today I would probably clean untill midnight. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom, fixing the tie of my school uniform one last time. I looked at my face. I had the top of my hair died a bright green and my sides and the back of my head buzzed. I had gadges and a septic pearcing. I took that out but still kept the gadges in. I slipped on my favorite black beanie. I ignored the dress shoes that my mom bought me for my uniform and just slipped on some old, black converses. I grabbed the satchel the school provided to carry your books in and my room key. I had two beds in my room because you're supposed to have a room mate, but I was an exchange student so I got an empty room. I guess they had no one to pair me up with. I locked my door and walked down the hallway. It was only 6:00 in the morning and school didnt open untill 7:00, but I didn't want to be late today, or ever. I hate being late. Its one of my many fears.
~Time skip~
I sat on the school steps and looked at my phone. 6:28....Teachers should be here by now right? I thought and as if on cue, a teacher started to approach the school doors. He unlocked and opened the doors, holding it open so I could walk in. As I passed him, He gave a friendly smile. He closed the door once I was on the otherside. He smiled again and passed me, disappearing down the hall. I reached in my satchel and pulled up a neatly folded paper. Printed on it was My class schedule, my locker number, and my locker combination. 35-41-37. I memorized it almost imediatly. I was a pritty smart kid but I didnt care about academics, all I ever wanted to do was draw and doodle. It was the only thing I loved. I walked the halls of this huge ass school and finally found my locker. I opened it and put some of my books in so I could fit some of my drawing stuff in my satchel. I closed my locker and headed to find my First class. By that time people were already getting inside the school and getting to class. Room 245. This is it. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The sound of chatter and smiles filled my ears. One or two kids turned to look at me but then turned back to their friends to finish their conversations. I scanned the room quickly but memorizing every detail. Something kept catching my eye. A color. Red. Something the shade of a beautiful red color stood out from the many students. Red is a color that catches your eye. I knew that. Thats why many restaurants use it in logos, but this red.....this red was different....It was a bright, yet deep color red. Too hard to explain. I stopped staring and finished scanning the room. Thats when I caught the teachers eyes. She was just staring at me with a smile in her face. "You must be the new one, Sean is it?" She asked softly. "Y-yes ma'am. Sean McLoughlin." I said walk to her. "Very nice, just stand right here." She pointed to a spot right infront of her desk. "Class, Class! Please settle down!" She said and eveyone got to their seats and turned to face her. It was dead silent. "This," She said pointing at me, "Is Sean." All eyes shifted onto me. "He is a new exchange student from....." she said looking to me. "Irland." I said, my accent was heavy as I said it. I saw some girls wisper and some guys smile at one another but the teacher continued talking. "He will be with us untill graduation, hopefully, so Please treat him kindly....," She went on and I scanned the crowd once more. The red catching my eye again. I saw what it was. It was a boy. He had his hair floof died red with raven colored hair buzzed around it. He was one seat behind the front row, roght beside the window. He was gazing out of it, not paying any attention. "So if you will Sean, Please take a seat right back there." I looked to where she was pointing. It was the forth row behind the front. Three desks from the window. The red haired boy was always in my periferal vision, no matter where I looked. I gazed at him alot durring class.

As the day went on, I found out there arent many classrooms that you alternate inbetween. Normally just 3 or 4 rooms and the teachers just came to you. Everyone that was in my First class was in all if my other classes so all I had to do was introduced myself to the teachers and not the class over and over again. We all had the same seating arrangements as our First class. I was always looking at that red haired boy. The color must be catching my eye. I thought, a little embarrassed. It was soon lunch time and I had no one to sit with. I followed some kids to the lunch room not knowing where it was and saw an empty table. I sat down and pulled out my phone. I never ate luch. Even if it was a weekend, I would only eat dinner. I started looking at iFunny when something caught my eye as It went by my table. Red.

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