Dead and Alive again

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Jason's POV

The doctor said" Dead." Jake fell to his knees and cried harder. I said" Dammit." This happened for twenty minutes until a nurse ran out and said" Doctor something is happening!" The doctor ran back in. Everybody was crying as well. Mark and Jack argued about who's fault it was. I said" Mark and Jack. It's both of your faults! You never let go of her when I said to. She couldn't breath I told you.  You did this to her!" Everybody looked at Mark and Jack. Jake said" That's true." Moth X and Jerome marched up to Mark and Jack and said" Don't ever fucking touch her again. You fucking killed her!" Jake stood up and said" Guys. I..." He broke out in tears again. The doctor ran out and said" She came back to life!" We all looked up and he smiled. He said Who is here for (Y/N) family only." I said" Me and Jake. I'm her husband." Jake nodded. We walked in and he said" Good lie dude." I nodded and said" I just wanted to see her. She is amazing and I wanted to see her." Jake opened the door and said" Hey sis." She said" Hey Jake. Jason?" I said" Hey. I wanted to see you so I called myself your husband." She laughed as said" Clever." Jake nodded and said"
(Y/N) you had another attack. Mark and Jack hugged you till you passed out and we hopped in Jason's car and didn't stop and didn't go fast till we got here." She liked at me and said" You didn't go by the law." I said" Nope. You could have died and we didn't want that and I never got caught." She smiled and said" Jake. When can i get out of hell?" He said" I don't know. Let me ask the doctors." He walked out and I sat on a chair beside of her bed and said" You died at first but you came back to life. We cried and Jake and I was going to kill Mark and Jack. The nurse ran out and got the doctor and the doctor ran back out a few minutes later and said you was alive. Me and Jake was happy." Jake walked back on and said" Tomorrow. Also Mitch and Jerome want to see you. Jason. You can date my sister if you want but don't hurt her. Sis. They cought me. I'm going to jail. See ya when I get out." She said" Okay. See ya Jake." He left and Mitch and Jerome ran in. They said" OhMYFUCKINGGOD(Y/N). You had us so worried and scared. We. I." They hugged her gently. They backed away. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. She wobbled a little but i put my arm around her waist and held her up. She said" I have to get the hang of walking again." She took a step forward and another. She walked all around the room until she had to run to the bathroom. She puked and I held her hair back. Mitch and Jerome got the doctor and I helped her up. I walked back to the bed with her. The doctor looked into the toilet bowl and said" Princess. I have good and bad news." She said" Good news first please." He said" You don't have asthma anymore. The bad news is your boyfriend in dead." She said" No. Jason what happened?" I could tell she didn't care but acted like she did. The doctor said" I'm so sorry. I'll leave you with your son." She smirked and I said" I'm her husband." He said" She was cheating on you." I said" I know but I didn't care." She smirked at me and the doctor said" If you are married kiss her on the lips." I have an I'm so sorry look and I kissed her lips. Surprisingly she kissed back. We pulled away after a minute and looked at the doctor. He said" Okay. I believe it. Are you minecraftuniverse?!" I said" Yeah." He said" My girl loves you." I put my hat on (Y/N)'s head and said" What do you want me to sign for her?" He gave me a hat and I signed it. I also put (Y/N)'s name and said" From the universe family." He smiled and said" Thanks." I said" No problem. Babe I have to get to work. See ya later." She said" Bye baby." The doctor left before me and I said" Nice acting." She said" You too." I walked out and went to the offices. Max and the others was there. Max said" How is she?" I said" She is still alive but she died and came back to life. She doesn't have asthma anymore." Max said" Good." Barney and the others walked up and said" Where is Adam and (Y/N)?" I said" (Y/N) is on the hospital and she had an asthma attack. She did from it but came back to life. She will be back tomorrow. Adam however won't be back. He died in a car crash." They said" Oh." Jin walked in and said" Where is my American sister?" I said" (Y/N)?" He nodded and said" Where is she?" I said" Hospital. Asthma attack. She died and came back to life." Jin said" Guys. Let's go see her." I said" Family only. I told them I was her husband to get in to see her." Everybody laughed and said" Nice one." In walked a girl. Alesa. She said" Guys. Where is Adam?!" I said" Sorry to say this but he isn't here anymore." She said" Thank god." We grew confused and Red said" What?" She said" I cheated on him." I laughed. He cheated on (Y/N) and Alesa cheated on him. I said" Guys. I'm going back to (Y/N) later. I can try to get you guys in there wth me." They said" Okay." We went to work and I sat in my office making a video. I edited and created it myself. After work everybody got in there car and followed me to the hospital. They walked in with me and she said" Hey guys." I said" Remember the plan in case the doctor comes?" She said" Yep." The doctor walked in and said" How was work?" I said" Good but I couldn't help but think of my wife." She said" Dear. Did you even do your work?" I said" Yes sweetheart. I did." The doctor said" Who are these others?" I said" These are her brother in laws." Jin said" (Y/N)! Are you okay what happened? Why are you on here?" She sighed and said" I'm fine now I guess. I had an asthma attack and I survived from the first one and the second time it happened when Mark and Jack was hugging me tightly and I couldn't breath. I passed out from air loss and when I arrived the doctor told me I was barely alive. I died at first but some kind of miracle happens and I came back to life. I don't have anymore asthma." Jin said" I love you (Y/N) but you need to make you self better." He whispered" The castle is under attack." She said" Dic I have to go home NOW. I have an urgent problem at my house." He said" Okay. Here is your clothes." She ran to the bathroom and changed her clothes. She walked out and said" Dammit Jake. You just had to get a fucking dress." She had on a (F/C) dress and it was sparsely a little bit." I said" Babe you look gorgeous as always." She said" Aw thanks Hun."
Jin was smirking. He said" Enough lovers. Let's get to our house." We nodded and ran out of the hospital. When we arrived I said"
I'm so sorry about what happened at the hospital. I had to keep my cover." She said" It's fine. I understand. Now the castle is under attack. Jin go get the others and bring Ty and the pack. The sidemen too." She and I got out of my car. She ran to the castle and for in some armor and she gave me some too. I grabbed a sword and so did she. Some people ran in and got into their armor. A boy walked up and said" Pleb. You okay?" She said" A little weak. I just got out of the hospital." The boy yelled" Guys protect the queen at all costs." She said" Preston. I don't have asthma anymore." He saidThats great your majesty." She said" Preston. My niece. I can't find her." A boy ran up and said" Your majesty they took your niece." She said" Guys. Let's get back my little princess." We ran full force into battle. I killed a few guys. I looked up to see Adam about to attack me. I said" Adam. I thought you died." He said" Well. Jason. I survived." I stabbed him and he died. I ran killing all sorts of people and not even getting touched. I seen a yellowish glow beside me and seen a glowing (Y/N). She screamed and said" How dare you take my niece! I will kill you!" She shot a gigantic ball of yellow and a bunch of people died. She stopped glowing and went back down to the ground. I said" You okay?" She said" Yep. If we die can I just say something." I said" Go ahead." She said" I did enjoy the kiss." I said" I did too. I love you." She said" I love you too." I stopped battling and do did she. I kissed her and she kissed back. When we pulled apart after a couple minutes there was a big circle Surrounding is. Preston said" Pleb. We got you covered." A blond Australian boy said" We got you lil Lachy." She said" Lachlan and Preston and the others are my knights. Preston and Lachlan are the ones in front of me and you. They are leading them. I called them the generals. Jerome yelled" (Y/N) we will protect you. Your our queen." She said" Guys. Let's fight. Can I fight?" Preston and the others said" No." She said" Fine." She and I walked for word and Jamie ran up to her and said" Auntie (Y/N)! I'm scared." She said" Shh. Baby girl it's fine. Daddy will see you in a couple ears because he is fighting in another kingdom." She smiled and said" Daddy is strong. Daddy is a good person." I said" Your daddy is an Amazing person. Wanna hear something cool?" She nodded and said" What is it?" I said" I kissed your aunt 3 times already. I even called her babe." She said" I love you too Jason." I said" I know everybody loves me." She said" Fo you know why everybody loves you?" I said" Why?" She said" Because your an amazing person and very lovable." I kissed her and she kissed back. Jamie said" Aww. I'm happy your dating." I said" We are not dating yet." (Y/N) screamed and I looked to see Adam over her. I said" Adam. Again. I thought I killed you." I pushed him off and he said" Jason. I'm coming to get her back." Preston killed him and said" Dude. Watch out." I said" We have to protect (Y/N) at all costs. Adam isn't dead. He said he is coming for her." (Y/N) said" I fucking hate you Adam." I looked up a t her to see a guy picking her up. I gripped my sword and stabbed him in the back. I said" You leave her alone. She is amazing and doesn't ducking love you. You shit."
(Y/N) hugged me crying. I said" It's okay. I'm here for you. Don't cry." She sobbed into my shirt again. She said" Why can't he leave me alone." Preston said" Pleb are you okay? Can you still fight?" She said" O can still fight just shaken up." Preston said" Go sit down. You follow her and make sure she is safe." I said" Okay." I gripped her hand gently and Browns her to a chair In front of the castle. I said" Hold on." I sat down and pulled her to sit on top of me. She said" Jason. Are you okay?" I said" Fine. Why?" She said" Your letting me sit on top of you. I'm fat don't I hurt you." I said" You are not fat. You don't hurt me and I want to protect you so I put you in my lap." She blushed and said" Fine." Jin walked up and said" (Y/N) are you okay?" She said" I'm fine. Preston just told me to do this." Jin looked at me and said" Why the fuck are you touching her?" I said" I love her." She said" Jason. I love you too. Now we can't kiss on the battle field again." I picked her up and sat her down on the chair. I sat next to her. I said" Now. Do you want to go fight?" She said" Can I daddy?" I said" I'm not your daddy. Babe. Let's fight." She and I jumped up and ran back into battle. She said I'm a slayer queen" I said" I'm a slayer King!" We laughed and killed the rest of the enemies. When we was done Preston, Lachlan and four other boys hugged her. I said" Gently hug her." She said" Jason. Wanna meet the pack?" I said" Sure." They broke away and she said" Vikkstar. He is one of my valuable assets. Rob. He is like Preston. My general in charge." Mitch and Jerome both good in PVP. That's the pack. Now the sidemen. They know them perfectly. Mitch and Jerome's family have been with us for many of years and many battles." I said" Holy crap." Jamie walked up and said" Aunt (Y/N)." She picked up Jamie and looked around Jamie. She gasped and said" How did you get hurt?" she said" I wanted to fight." (Y/N) said" I'll heal you okay." Her hand glowed and she healed up the wound on Jamie. Max walked up and said" Hey (Y/N). Nice castle." She said" Thanks. Now Jamie. What happens to make you get hurt?" Jamie said" I was almost hit by an arrow and dogged." ( Y/N) said" Go inside and go to bed. You start preschool tomorrow. Remember be careful." Jamie nodded. (Y/N) suddenly yelled" MAD MAX!" Max tackled her and kissed her lips. I pushed him off and said" Dude. Not cool." He said" I said next time she called me that I would." I said" (Y/N). You need to rest. Let's go." I picked her up bridal style. She said" I can walk dammit." I said" Want me to put you down?" She nodded and i put her down. Lachlan and the others following us. Preston walked up beside me and said" Are you dating Pleb?" I said" I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend yet." Preston nodded and said" Of you ever hurt my little pleb your dead." ( Y/N) yelled" Paige!" She hugged the girl and the fuel said" Hey girl. What about Adam?" She said" We broke up but I believe you met Jason." I walked up and wrapped my arms around her waist and said" Hey." She said" Your minecraftuniverse!" I said" Yeah." Preston walked up and said" Paige. Don't fan girl too much babe." (Y/N) said" Preston leave my sister alone." I kissed (Y/N) and she kissed back. I wrapped my arms around her waist and deepens the kiss. She did the same but put her arms around my neck. I bulked away and left her wanting more. Paige squealed and said" I ship it!" Preston said" Don't leave her wanting more." He kissed Paige and deepened the kiss more. I kissed (Y/N) again and said" Come on. We should sleep." She said" Okay." I held her hand and we walked to her room. She laid down on the bed and I did the same and wrapped my arms around her waist. I rolled on top of her and kissed her. She kissed back and we deepened the kiss. We turned the kiss into a make out session. When we pulled away she had her shirt off and so did I." I blushed and she covered herself up. I gave her back her shirt. I put mine back on and she put hers back on. She said" Jason. Don't ever do that again." I said" Oh I will." She blushed and said" Shut up and let's sleep. We laid back down and I did the same thing and kissed her lips and pulled away and laid back the way I was. She said" Goodnight Jason." I said" Goodnight babe." We fell asleep. When I woke up she wasn't there. If it up and walked out of my room and brushed my hair. I walked into the dining area and there sat (Y/N) and the others. I sat next to (Y/N) and put my face down against the table. She said" Are you tired?" I nodded. She laughed and Preston pulled my head up. He said" You don't look so good dude." Jerome said" He never did this until he got sick." I said" I'm. Shut up." I fell asleep again.

(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up early this morning aabd slid out of his grasp. I got dressed into my clothes and walked to the dining area. Everybody else woke up a few minutes later. In the mean time I was working on my next story for an X reader I have been doing for my friend. She wanted an X reader of her and Jake. I laughed and so I continued it. Jerome and Mitch asked" What are you working on?" I said" A story for my friend. It's almost done." I coughed a little and Mitch said" You okay?" I said" I'm fine. Just a little sick." They nodded and said" Go to your room." I said" No. I have to work." Everybody else woke up and sat at the table with new. An hour later Jason woke up. He walked in and or his head down on the table. I said" Are you tired?" He nodded. Preston pulled his head up and said" You don't look so good dude." Jerome said" He only does this when he was sick." He said" Im. Shut up." He fell asleep again. I said" Take him back to my room and put him back in bed." Preston picked him up and carried him away. I gasped at what I saw. Where he had been sitting. Blood. Jerome and Mitch ran over and we ran to my room. Mitch and Jerome looked on him to find a place where he was hurt. I looked on my bed and seen a blood stain. I looked on his back and pulled up his shirt a little. I seen a gash. It was huge. I healed it up rather quickly and said" Go get Seto." He was our magician. I said" Babe. You will be okay. I promise." He mumbled and said" I love you (Y/N)." I said" I love you too." Seto ran in ad said" Jason." He poured a potion into his wound an do didn't know I was crying until Preston picked me up and put my face into his shirt. I said" He has to be okay." I heard movement and Seto walked up to me and said" Drink some of this." I did as told and it was gross. I felt a sharp pain in my side. I gripped my side and lifted my shirt to see a small scratch and it was deep. I said" I didn't know this was here." I put my shirt down and Jason screamed" Babe! I'm here!" I looked at him and hugged him. He kissed me and he began crying. He said" Baby. Are you okay?" I said" I'm fine. Are you okay?" He said" I'm fine. I love you." I said" I love you too. Please don't leave me like my brother and parents. My parents died in battle. My brother is in prison for somethings stupid." Jason said" I won't leave you. I love you." I said" I love you too." He smiled and I smiled back. Preston said" Pleb. Be careful. You was injured during battle." I flinched and Jason said" Where?" I lifted my shirt a little and pulled up my paints leg. There was a deep gash not healed on my leg. The one on my side was almost healed and not deep. Jason said" You did get hurt but kept it secret. Clever but you need to tell us when your hurt so we can help you." I said" Guys. I appreciate your help and all but if it hurts I'll go to Seto and he will heal me. Seto was the family wizard. You guys don't have to worry." Jason said" How did I not see that in your side yesterday?" I blushed and said" I can use my magic to make my wounds invisible mad not hurt." Jason said" Babe. Tell us when your hurt so we can help you." I said" FINE." Jason and the others smiled. I said" Everybody out. I'm going to sleep. Guys. Don't read the story I am writing for my friend." They said" Okay. Bye your majesty." They left and closed the door. I sat best to Jason and he kissed me and I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. He pulled back and said" You want more?" I said" Yep." He kissed me again and laid me down gently on the bed. He said" In not giving you more and go to sleep babe." I groaned and he fell asleep beside me and he wrapped his arms around my waist and fell asleep. I slept a little bit after.

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