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Everybody sat in the like video NF room of my house. I said" Thanks everybody for coming. I have some stuff to say to you and some disturbing news." Jerome said" What is it?" I sighed and looked behind me at Ty and Jason. Jason said" You can do it. We are here if you need us. Ty and I." I took a deep breath and let it out. I sad" I am a princess. A real princess. Some of you know I was dating Adam. Some don't. Well I broke up with him and now he went yander even for me and he tried to..." I couldn't finish I broke out in tears. Jason and Ty hugged me. I whispered" Can you guys say it. I'm locking myself in my room for awhile." They nodded.

Jason's POV

I said" Adam tried to rape her. Jake here came in the nick of time and I now work at the offices. I just wanted to say. She is really still shaken up but since she is an aunt and has hardly anybody we need to try our best to make her happy again." Ty said" Can I tell them what you did Jake?" He nodded and said" I can tell them." Ty said" Okay." Jake said" I killed him. He hurt the one I loved. My little sister and he put my daughter at risk. I wasn't going to let him hurt my sister or daughter. I killed him to protect my family." Everybody gasped and Jeff and BEN walked up to him and said" So you finally killed somebody else. We have to put your family in danger more often. Killer." He said" If you don't shut up I'll kill you." Jeff shut up and said" Okay your Majesty." I said" She has locked herself in her room. She couldn't finish because she is horrified it will happen again. She isn't going to be in a relationship for awhile." Jamie walked up and said" She is bawling her eyes out in her room uncle Jason. Daddy. Somebody help her. She is mumbling about ending it all!" I ran to her room. I kicked the door down. I said" Don't do it (Y/N). You have a lot of people here to help you." She said" I'm sick of my life. First Daniel and then Adam. The only true guys I have dated was John, Chase, and Tyler." Not munchingbrotato. I said" We need you in our lives because your the best thing in it. I don't have my girl anymore. We broke up an hour ago while waiting for everybody to show up." Jack and Mark said" We love you (Y/n). Your an amazing girl and he didn't see it. Those two never did." Suddenly a certain parson said" (Y/N). What would your mom and dad say." (Y/N) said" Dan. Their dead. Jake what killed them?" He said"  Hunters." She said" They are after us again. I have to handle this. This is Chase's fault for traveling me to his family." Jake said" So they know." I said" He was the only person and you, mom, and dad." I said" What are you hiding? You can tell us." She said" I'm a hybrid." She took off her beanie and said" A Neko hybrid." I said" Holy shit. You look even.. Nevermind. I don't wanna die." She said" Adorable I know." I was going to say sexy but whatever. I didn't say that. I thought it. Ty said" Your so hot." I looked atTy. Jake said" Anybody touch her you die. Jason I approve of you and our family but any other motherfucker. You die." I walked up to her and hugged her. She said" Jason. I can read minds. You know that right." I said" Nope." She blushed and said" Jason. My brother will kill you if you say it." Jake said" What?" I said" Your sister is the most cutest cat i have ever seen." He said" Jason. I will kill you. You know that right?" I said" Yep." (Y/N) said" Jake. Lay off of Jason. I have a feeling he would never hurt me like the other fucks I have dated. Remember when I was datin Daniel?" Jake said" Yep. He tried to kill you and he beat you up. Never let a guy do that to you anymore sis. Anyway. Do you remember how old you where?" She said" wasn't I 16." Hake said" Yep. Mom, dad, and I hated him. You always one home with bruises that you didn't have when you left." She said" Jake. He broke me that time remember. Anyway I'm not seeing him anymore. I don't know where he is and he doesn't have my number." Her phone rang and she said" Hello?" She went pale. I took her phone and said" Hello? Who is this?" The person said" Hello. I'm Daniel. I just wanted to let my ex now I'm coming for her. I have been in the FBI tracking her down."
I went pale. I gave her phone to Jake. I said" Daniel." He said" Listen here Daniel if you want my sister back just to treat her like shit again your wrong. I will hurt you so you don't touch her." He ended the call. (Y/N) said" He found me Jake. We have to change my style. My looks. My name." Jake said" No. We are NOT running again. This time I'll kill him." She sighed and said" Fine. I'm going to bed now." Jake said" Medicine." She groaned and said" Fine." I went to the kitchen and get her a glass of water. I asked back in and gave her the water. She said" Thanks Jason." I said" No problem." She took her medicine and she laid down and Matabele fell asleep. Jake said" I gave her a sleeping pill because she doesn't sleep well." I said"Okay." Jake said" You guys can spend the night because we are going to a supposed haunted warehouse since me and my sister are royalty we won't get I trouble and neither will you guys if your with us." I said" I'm in." Jake said" Everybody find a lace to sleep." I jumped on the couch and said" Call the couch." Mitch picked up his phone and said" Hello. Oh hey. Yeah. I'm with her at the moment. She is going through a tough time they now. I'm going to be here for her like when we was kids. I'm not dating her and I'm not dating you so why the fuck are you calling me. I said" Mitch just hang up." Mitch said" Okay." He ended the call and said" Damn Jason. Is Adam really dead?" I said" Yeah but you don't hurt or try to rape the one you love." Mitch nodded and said" Wanna hear a secret? I said" Sure." He said" (Y/N) is hot. Adam and her started to date because of when she first arrived. She had an attack and was in the hospital. Adam was in the room beside her with a friend of his." Suddenly Max ran through the door and said" Where is she?" I said" She is asleep on her room." Max said" We have work tomorrow and wow there is so many here." I said" Jerome and Mitch." Jerome walked in and said" What?" I said" Merome." Jerome and Mitch both punched me. They said" No. We are not Merome." I yawned and said" Guys I have work tomorrow so can we all just go to sleep?!" They nodded and I fell asleep. When I woke up Mitch had drawings on his face and so did Jerome. I grabbed my phone and looked at my face. I'm not marked on. I looked up to see (Y/N) and Jake marking on people's faces. I stood up and grabbed my marker and drew on somebody else's face. I snitched and looked to see Jack and Mark. I marked on their faces. (Y/N) whispered" Thanks for helping me." I said" No problem." We smiled and sat on the couch. Jake sat beside his sister and she sat in the middle. The first to wake up was Jack. He said" (Y/N) you don't have to!" We laughed an she said" Hello." Jack said" Give me my cookies and cake." She stood up and walked to the kitchen and came back with cookie mix and some already made cake." He said" Oh haha. You never leave cookies without cake." We laughed. She said" Deal with it." We laughed again. Mark woke up next. He said" Septiplier will never happen!" I laughed and said" Guys chill the fuck down." They looked at each other and broke out in laughter. Mark said" You have marker on your face." Jack said" You do too." Good thing we hid the markers before they woke up. (Y/N) looked at me. I nodded. She laughed. Jake laughed also. She'll down laughing. She was holding her stomach and then all of a sudden she started coughing. Jake said" Get me the inhaler!" I ran to her room and gave him her inhaler and he shook it up and pushed down a few times. She started to breath normally again. She said" Thanks. It hurts to breath a little bit though." Jake said" Sis. Take it easy." She stood up and held her chest where her heart is. I said" You okay?" She said" Jason. I'm going to be fine when I get my belt watching back on track." She took a few deep breaths and said" I'm good." She moved her hand from her heart. I said" Okay." Jack and Mark sat in front of her and Mark said" We are so sorry." She sad" Guys it's fine." They nodded and hugged her. I said" Guys move. She still has to breath." They didn't move. She said" Need my breath." She passed out. Jake looked at Mark and Jack and said" Why the fuck didn't you move when he told you to. We have to get her to a hospital NOW." Max woke up and said" Hey everybody." (Y/N) flinched. Jake said" Another attack is happening. We need to get to a hospital Now." He picked her up and ran outside to the hospital. I jumped into my car and he sat her beside me and he got on the back. I drove over the speed limit and got to the hospital in no time. He jumped out and I picked her up and carried her inside. They said" GUYS. She had another attack!" They took her and put her on a room do they can do what she needs. We all sat in the living room. I didn't. I went back to the house and woke everybody up. Mitch and Jerome said" Where is (Y/N)?" I said" She had another attack this morning help me wake everybody up." When we woke everybody up we rushed to the hospital again. When we arrived Jake was crying. He said" She has to make it. She is going to become the queen. I can't have the responsibility." We all ran in and sat down. I said" How is she?" He said" I don't know. They are not telling me anything." He cried harder and I began crying. I was worried about her. We heard a thing over the inner com" Code BLUE!" We looked at each other and Jake said" No." He cried harder. I cried harder too. She can't die. The doctor walked in and Jake said" Well. How is my sister?" He said" She is...."

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