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Yo sweet folk from all over the world❤ Nini came with another request ;) by @CardinalBeast

Oh guys I also want to say that it would be easy for me if you send your requests on PM ^^ I am losing some requests which are on the comments and I'm having trouble finding em! All the requests are important because the requests are the reason that I'm updating this book❤ I don't want you to think that I'm ignoring your requests...

Anyway, I also want to say that I made that Instagram thing and if you want you can follow me there. Of course I will follow u back ;) My username is nini_panda18 ... Oh no comments for my stupid ass face xD

Now I shall start 0_0


Machi was really mad today, she is trying to find Hisokas house but...

Machi: Where the fuck are you living you stupid clown?? Ugh!!

Angry as she was she decided to visit all the houses of the town with the hope to find the stupid clown..... I mean pervert pedo.... I mean Hisoka!

Machi: I will open this one *kicks the door of the random house and breaks it* Hisoka are you here?

Ging: What in the bloody Eurovision 2016 is happening here?

Machi: Where is Hisoka?

Ging: What the bloody gay pride in Athens 2016 do you want from me?

Machi: Tell me where is Hisoka living... I have something to tell him-_-

Ging: For the merenda vs nutella fight sake where the hell should I know?

Gon: *comes* What is happening here?

Machi: I'm looking for Hisoka...

Gon: I'm looking for a tall and sexy blonde woman

Machi: So?

Gon: We can't always have what we are looking for

Ging: Ahaha he is definitely my son ;)

Machi: Weren't you suppose to be cute?

Gon: Yes on the anime not here!!!

Ging: Ahaha he is definitely my son ;)

Gon: He is on my closet!

Machi: Hisoka???

Ging: What??

Gon: He is staying there and stalking me-_-

Machi: *Opens closet* Oh?

Hisoka: Oh hey Machi... Were you looking for me?

Ging: What in the bloody stripteass club is happening here?

Machi: Oh SHUT UP!!!!

Ging: 0_0

Machi: Hisoka... You are a freaking asshole

Gon: Tell him something he don't know

Hisoka: Oh well...

Machi: Chrollo wants you... That's all *breaks the window and runs away*

Hisoka: E?

Gon: What the fuck??? Why did she do that?

Hisoka: It's her bad habit.... Ooooh so Chrollo wants me ;)

Ging: She broke the door, she broke the window... Who is going to pay for that?

Gon: Oh man-_-

Hisoka: Does that means he is in love with me?

Ging: Get out!!!

Gon: Oh man-_-


I have another one request and a part 2 from the "You are my son take care of me" chapter for the next time

With love,

HxH Goes Crazy ( Hunter x Hunter One-shots )Where stories live. Discover now