They are mine!

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Yo folks imma here with an awesome request by IllumisWaifu

Thank you my girl ^﹏^

Enjoy my cupcakes ♥♥♥♥


 Hisoka:  ♣ Illumiiiiiii!!♧o(≧o≦)o

Illumi: What do you want Hisoka?

Hisoka: I'm a FATHER!♤


Hisoka: I have two sons♠

Illumi:.... You stupid clown :\  I'm sure you were drunk and you raped some poor girls.... Oh no you weren't drunk you just raped them for no reason. (*>.<*)

Hisoka: Yeah kinda.... ♦

Illumi: ah mannnn.... Who are they anyway? Do you know your sons names??

Hisoka: Yep... Gon and Killua!♡

Illumi: Gonendikillua? What name is that?? (°ο°)

Hisoka: Nooo GON and KILLUA!!!! ♠

Illumi: .... 

Hisoka: I know they are mineeeeee!(●^o^●)

Illumi: Please kill yourself....

Hisoka: But--♥

Illumi: I'm busy...

Hisoka: I-♦

Illumi: Just leave....

Hisoka:.... Pffff♢—_—

Illumi: Stupid Clown-.-  You have to stop those fucking drugs...

Hisoka: What? but I don't...♣

Illumi: Shut up!

Hisoka: Illumi I...♡

Illumi: I'm busy...

Hisoka: Oh come oon♠//(ㄒoㄒ)//

Illumi: Just leave....


Hisoka what's wrong with you?? You have no shamee xDD

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