Who is who?

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Hello my lovely candies! 

First of all, I want to apologize for this super late update. ( / _ _)/ I've been in Romania so I couldn't write anything TT^TT But!!!!!! I'm back with a request by Killua-kyun21 Muahahaha >;) Sankyuu dear <3

Ooh, also... I want to tell something and seriously now guys...

I can accept any kind of request... You can make as many requests you want and I can make as many chapters you want... But there is noway in hell that I will put up with rudeness and fierceness! There is noway in the bloody hell that I will accept your request if you talk rude to me or if you offend me. I just wanted to make myself clear because there was an incident like that and I got really, really mad! I mean come onn... Grrr, anyway man... I just wish something like that never happen again >.<

I just wish you enjoy this awesome request my lovely cakes ♥

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Such a beautiful day it was! The sky was clear, the air was calm and the atmosphere was filled with the happy voices of the children who went out to play.

Gon: Uughh! Shut up already...Ughh I want to sleep..

Killua: Yeah >.< seriously now.... stupid kids

But of course, those two idiots were sleeping at home instead of going out to take a fresh air. Last night Killua went to sleepover at Gon's house and they are still sleeping.

Gon: Killua! What the hell? Get of me...

Killua: Uggh! Sorry...

Gon: *Wakes up and goes to bathroom* Seriously man...

As Gon went to the bathroom he brushed his teeth without paying attention at the mirror! 

Gon: *Brushes his teeth*

But what happened when he finally looked at the mirror and saw himself ?

Gon:..........................'_'.....................0_0.....................OAO................................. WHAT THE FUCK???????? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Killua: *Runs at the bathroom* GON! GON!? WHAT HAPPENED?!

Gon: LOOK!!

Killua::..........................'_'.....................0_0.....................OAO................................. WHAT THE FUCK???? ARE YOU...ARE YOU...??? WHAT THE FUCK???

Gon: HOLY SHIT!!! KILLUA LOOK AT THE MIRROR.... YOU... YOU ARE..............ME????

Killua: AND YOU ARE ME???

Yes, yes... It may sound crazy, but with a mysterious way those two... switched bodies..



I don't know man... find by yourself >_<

Gon: Damn!!! Killua I want my body back!!!

Killua: Me too... But first of all...

Gon: Hn??

Killua: I want to see your body naked ^0^

Gon: I will kill you!!

Killua: Hehe just kidding man xD

Gon: Anyway, we need to find a way to take our bodies back!

Killua: Yeah lets think 0_0

Gon:: Hnnn.. What if i touch you *touches killua who is inside gon's body*

Killua: ..... So?

Gon: Nothing changed!

Killua: What if I fall over you??

Gon: Oh why??

Killua: I was on you when we woke up... Maybe if I suddenly fall over you...

Gon: Ahaa that's a nice idea lets try it!

Killua: Yeap! Ready??

Gon: Aha!

Killua: *runs over Gon and suddenly..... kisses him*

Gon: OAO *Goes back to his body*

Killua: *Does the same*

Gon: *Punches Killua* WHAT THE FUCK MAN???


Gon: *Punches Killua again* YOU KISSED ME WHILE I WAS SLEEPING?



Killua: Ghh I don't care what you think!

Gon: Anyway.... lets just keep this secret okey??

Killua: You bet!

Gon: Ooh and something else!

Killua: What?

Gon: You will never sleep here again!!!!

Killua: Oh come on!!

Gon: Bye Killua!!

Killua: Come on!

Gon: See you tomorrow Killua!

Killua: Seriously-_- fine...

So that was all. It seems that they accidently (or that's what Killua want us to think) kissed each other and they switched their bodies! But lets keep that a secret ;)

Kurapika: What secret?

Well you see... Killua and Gon accidently kissed each other and they  switched their bodies...

Kurapika: What? Really??

Yeah, but keep it secret okey?

Kurapika: Don't worry I won't tell anyone...

Leorio: Tell what?

Kurapika: That Killua and Gon accidently kissed each other and they switched their bodies!

Leorio: Eeee? Seriously??

Kurapika: Aha, but it's a secret okey?

Leorio: Nah I won't tell it to anybody!

Hisoka: You won't tell what?

Leorio: That Killua and Gon accidently kissed each other and they switched their bodies!

Hisoka: Oh God really??

Leorio: Yes but don't tell it to anybody 'cause it's a secret...

(And this continue so... -_-)

HxH Goes Crazy ( Hunter x Hunter One-shots )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat