The truth

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"Lizana! Lizana!" Someone shouted and she woke up. "Where is it? It tricked me! My destiny is not to - " "Liz, what are you talking about?" Her aunt said and she looked up at her. "It was a dream?" She asked and Jane nodded. "You were screaming and crying in your sleep so I had to check on you," she continued. 'That explains why I'm so tired even though I slept.' She sighed.
"Dinner is ready so you can come down if you want to," Jane smiled and walked downstairs. "What a dream. It's a good thing it wasn't real." She laughed and walked downstairs. "Don't be so sure about that Lizana~" someone whispered after she had walked downstairs.

"You should go to bed Liz. It's pretty late," Jane said later and Liz nodded. "Night."
She walked to the bathroom and took off her hoodie. Suddenly she froze and her heart beated harder than usual. On her back was a big key drawn in and it didn't look friendly. It was yellow, it had a purple eye, and it looked like it could look through any soul.
Lizana swore it was blinking to her and she felt someone lay a cold arm on her bare shoulder. "I'll be watching every single step you take, breathe every breath you take and hear everything you say," the mistake whispered in her ear and she shivered. "We're the one and the same person now Liz." The cold feeling disappeared and she was back to normal.
She quickly got dressed in her pajamas and didn't want to pay attention to the mark anymore. "Good grief, what was that?" She mumbled when she laid in her bed. "And why was it a key?"
She fell asleep and hoped that she would sleep peacefully, but how wrong she was.


Lizana's eyes flew open and woke up in the same dark forest. "Anybody there?" She said but slapped herself. 'Good job Liz, maybe it's a killer here and now you did the stupidest thing ever,' she thought and rolled her eyes. "You aren't very clever to be fifteen years old," the same voice said and she froze in fear.
Suddenly a new voice entered her mind. "Oh honey, don't be afraid. I won't harm you," it said kindly like a mother to a child.
Lizana smiled and knew that voice; it was her mom!
"Mom! You're alive!" She said happy and looked around to find her. "Yes, come here, I have something for you," the voice said and suddenly her mom stood next to her. "Come sweetie~" she said and walked away and Lizana followed behind. "Where's dad?" She asked curious and her mom sighed. "Only one of us could visit you tonight."
After much walking they finally stopped. "I guess you have heard about the mirror of truth?" Lizana nodded. Her mother looked to the left. "The mirror that the mistake showed you was a fake. Here is the real one," she said and pointed at a circle formed hand mirror with diamonds and sapphires on. "Take it~" she whispered and Lizana reached out for the flying mirror. "Don't do it!" Someone shouted and they turned around.
A figure with brown hair and a light blue summer dress stood behind them. "How..." Lizana whispered when she saw the figure. It was her mom, but who was the other one?
"Diana! What are you doing here? I thought you only could walk in Skycloud," someone hissed and she turned around. Lizana wanted to scream and cry of the sight she saw in front of her. It was herself but she was different! Instead of the long brown hair she had raven black hair, green eyes was now red and she showed two sharp teeth when she hissed.
"Did Moonsun give you permission to enter my darkness?" The mistake said with a glare.
"Mistake, it's no need to be angry and yes, Moonsun gave me permission to enter your darkness," her mother said calmly and looked nicely at Mistake.
"Liz, who do you trust most? Your mother or the person that can set your destiny free?" She heard Mistake hiss and turned to her. "My mom!" Lizana said to her walked to her mothers side. "Come on Liz, let's go." Lizana nodded but looked behind her one last time. Mistake was sitting on the ground and cried. "Always alone, always betrayed, always lied too. Forever alone," Mistake mumbled and continued to cry.
Lizana didn't know why but she felt that she understood her. 'I was betrayed too,' she thought as she walked away from Mistake's silent sobbing.

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