Chapter 1-Prologue

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Word mistake,Gramar,error,gore(possibly),swearing and many more but still enjoy~

Normal P.O.V

It been two month after the news about death of vampire king Karlheinz spread across the demon world.The news about the king found death not only shocked the demon world but manage Sakamaki and Mukami shock when they hear the news

But still one thing that remain mystery is how the king die since the news didn't tell how the king die.

But there's a rumor that tell the king die because of illness and about he being curse or death because being kill by a traitor who one of the king in the demon world and many more.

To much rumors about the cause of his death but none seem to be logic and acceptable since it King of vampire we talking about.
The king of vampire Karlheinz is one of the most powerful creatures in the demon world, viewed by the vampires as a "God".

He holds an enormous amount of magical power and knowledge, and he never stops pursuing more.Thus making
The vampire king being fear not only by the vampire but other species and other kings in the demon world

Karlheinz is extremely intelligent but also very manipulative, and even though he possesses great physical and magical powers, rarely dirties his hands on.His death still remain mystery and maybe it won't be reveal.maybe

-----At Mansion
(In this story sakamaki and mukami living together )

Kou and laito having a dart competition in game room,Reiji in his room doing some 'research',Yuma at the garden doing some gardening work,Ruki in library reading book,Shu is sleeping somewhere in the mansion,Subaru at his rose garden,

Ayato currently in Laito room searching his porn magazine that might be hidden somewhere in his pervert room, Kanato and Azusa suprisingly eating cake together peacefully at the kitchen along with Yui.All of them doing they own business peacefully until they heard a knock at mansion door

Yui P.O.V

I'm currently eating red velvet cake with Kanato-kun and Azusa-kun.It really suprising how both of them able to get along together lately. I didn't remember the last time I able to eat peacefully

As we enjoying our cake peacefully suddenly we heard a knock at the enterance door "Ugh,who the heck interupt us.Maybe we should punish that person ne Teddy" Kanato whisper his Teddy bear.Killer intent can be sense from him "Urm...I think I better go open the door" I said as I stand up leaving the kitchen

No one want to mess up when Kanato-kun when he in bad mood and I think I already got to many lesson.When I arrived at the door,I open the door

End chapter 1~~
So how do you guy thinks?I'm sorry if it really suck

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