You eventually ended up at his tiny house. It felt very warm and cozy. He led you to a door. "Here's your room human, I really hope you enjoy it. I made it as cozy as possible for any human that fell down here. By the way, I never got to learn your name!" Asgore said with glee and chuckled.

"My name is [Name]" You said and slightly smiled.

"What a lovely name" He cheerfully said and tucked some hair behind your ear. He then gasped. "[Name] you've injured yourself! Here let me treat you. I'll be back with some supplies, but in the meantime please settle yourself in your bed." He said quickly and scurried off into another room.

You had completely forgotten about your injury, but now that you remembered your head really pounded. You walked inside your room and enjoyed it's features.

He was right, it did feel cozy. You looked in the mirror. Man, I look horrible. You pulled some yellow flower petals out of your hair and wiped some blood off your lip.

You laid down in your bed and waiting for Asgore to return. Then the door creaked open and Asgore came rushing in. He wiped the blood off and cleaned the wound a little. It stung like hell.

He wrapped a gauze type thing around your head and laid your head back down. "Please rest [Name]. When you are awoken, I'll have a nice meal prepared for you." Asgore said and left the room, turning off the lights behind him.

You sighed. You massaged your ankle that was aching. Man, you should have told him about this too. Maybe he could've fixed it. Oh well.

You closed your eyes for 30 minutes but couldn't find yourself falling into your dreams. You groaned and shoved the blanket off of you. You didn't know what to do and was bored so you decided to look around.

You got off your bed and opened your door. Everything was dark so you assumed Asgore went to bed. You crept your way down the hall and heard laughter coming from down a pair of stairs that led into a purplish hallway.

It sounded like Asgore, so he wasn't asleep yet. You were curious so you quietly walked down the set of stairs. You walked down the hallway and took and few turns and eventually saw him in the distance.

He was talking to... a door? No, someone behind the door. You heard another voice that sounded like a male. It was slightly muffled. Whatever this guy said made Asgore howl with laughter.

Then Asgore pulled out the old knock knock joke. This 'war' went on for a while before asgore stood up. "Well friend, it's time for me to get some sleep. It's been a nice time, once again. But before I leave, I must ask a favor. If any human comes through this door, promise me you'll protect them, won't you?" Asgore asked sounded kind of sad.

Your eyes widened. He was talking about you, wasn't he? You heard the voice say something back, but couldn't make it out.

"Thank you." And with that, Asgore turned around. You quietly squeaked and ran down the hall and up the stairs before you could be seen. You ran into the living room and hid behind the big chair by the dying fireplace.

Luckily, asgore didn't come in where you were, or check your room. He went straight into what seemed to be his room. You sighed and sat down in the chair. You watched as the fire slowly burned. It was dim, and emitted a low red glow throughout the room. There wasn't much left of a fire.

You found yourself more and more curious about that door. You hoisted yourself up and walked down the stairs. When you reached the door you didn't know what to so next.

You thought of something, but were shy to do it. You built up the courage anyways and placed two knocks on the door.

"Knock knock." You shyly said. You waited for what seemed like an eternity for a reply but there was nothing. You gave up, and turned around.

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