Take that off

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Jungkook's POV

"I can't believe that bitch won! What happened guyseu!"

I mentally rolled my eyes to J hope hyung. He keeps nagging and nagging about what happened. Aera is tough. I can't believe a girl can survive that much injury.

We were heading to our hideout because Namjoon hyung is too pissed to go to school.

"Suga hyung! You were the one who got the least injury and yet you didn't help me?"

I heard jimin said but yoongi hyung only said


"Hey guys my stomach is really in pain. I need to find something to heal It. Oh my god my abs are purple!" Jimin said as he run.

Arggg I cant believe I haven't killed her. I don't know why but I want her to suffer. She's to conceited about her body her movement everything. she thinks she can beat us? Well then I won't let that happen.

Aera's POV

I was on my way to the clinic because my cut is killing me and my shirt is soaking with hot soup. I want to take a bath really.

As I got into the room one nurse was silently sleeping in the counter. I didn't bother to wake her up I still in pain and I don't want anyone to see me in this condition. I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I still don't know what to wear since my other clothes are still dirty. I put on a towel and started searching for clothes.

I got out of the bathroom and went near a cabinet. I searched from the top to the bottom. I was almost done searching the last two drawers when I heard a voice.

"Who do we have here?"

I turned around and found the small one with the  knife before. He was holding his stomach and a smirk was plastered into his face. I looked at him coldly.

"Hmm? Are you searching for clothes? Why won't you wear you black bra again? Its more tempting"

I am really exhausted to answer back but my forehead is now crumpled I want to punch something.

"I have an extra shirt here if you want I can lend it to you. But of course nothing is free in this world."

I turned around to face the last two drawers and open it. In the last one I found a short fuck no shirt. I faced him and said

"What do you want?"

I hate the way he smirks

"I just need someone to heal my wounds in my stomach which is now injured because of you"

I let out a sigh and walked towards him he handed me the shirt as I went back to the bathroom.

Gosh the shirt is big. It was down on half of my legs but the bruises was still not covered. I grab my leather jacker and tied it in my waist perfect. I got out and saw the man sitting while holding his stomach.

I got closer and pulled his shirt up. ABS. SIX PACKS. buuut it was color purple still hot!

"So are you gonna heal it? It doesn't heal by staring you know"

I was back at my senses and grab the hydrogen peroxide and damped it into a cotton. I cleaned the cuts that was in there. I forgot I was wearing heels. In the whole process we were quiet and he was just staring at me. I looked up to see him looking at my face and quite shock.

"What are you looking at?"

"N-nothing. Do your work already"

I just rolled my eyes and applied cold compress into his stomach. After sometime the purple was not that visible.

I was putting gauze into his torso when the door opened. Six boys came in shocked except him.

"Jimin! What are you doing with her!"  Said the whitest one

"Why is she wearing your shirt?!" Says the pink shirt one

I turned around and attempted to get out but once again jungkook talked

"Remove that shirt."

I looked up and stared at him. Say what?

"Why would I?"

I felt his aura darken

"Just take it off. Its not yours"

I smirked

"It doesn't mean that if this is not mine, its yours right? So who gave  you the permission to say that?"

He looked down with his eyebrow knitted. What's his problem? After his scene I got out and rode home. Another tiring day

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