Chapter 3: The Scarlet Rosafelt

Start from the beginning

We both made our way to the intimidating building. It looked about twenty floors high, and was bigger than any storehouse of factory I'd ever seen. There was a clear entrance at the front, where Lucy said we would go through. Her plan was to act as natural as possible until someone realised our plan.
"So, how much authority do you have here?" I asked.
"Almost as much as the chairman," she replied.
"Seriously?!" I cried, astounded.
"Well, we are the ones with magic. You wouldn't want to piss us off now, would you?" She teased, grinning.
"Oh, whatever," I muttered, rolling my eyes.

We arrived at the entrance. The double doors were glass, which made me anxious as several guards were inside only metres away. But we were far enough from the doors to not be seen.
"I'm going to change my hair back," Lucy said quietly. "This'll be easier if they know who I am."
I nodded in approval, as the cancer sign appeared on her chest and hands. She sliced across her hair with her scissors, and her hair returned to its original colour. Then she inhaled, and walked over to the doors. I hid behind her, nervous, as we entered.
"L-Lady Lucy?!" The guards cried, bowing their heads. "You've returned?"
"What does it look like?" Lucy replied. She began walking further into the room, and I followed. One of the guards spotted me, and his eyes sharpened.
"Lady Lucy, may I ask who this is?" He said, indirectly aiming his weapon at me.
"He's a member of the public. I want him as company," Lucy answered. They seem shocked by this answer.
"Lady Lucy, members of the public are strictly forbidden-"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hear you say that you wanted to die, or are you so bothered by your useless little lives that you just wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible?" Lucy threatened, her bow glowing slightly and her eyes glistening in the light.
W-Woah...I thought. She was nothing like this a second ago.
The guards simply swallowed their pride and apologised.
"The chairman would like to see you immediately, m'lady," one of the guards informed. Lucy sighed, then nodded.
"Fine. Tell him I'm on my way," she replied, then walked over to a door on the left. On the other side was a long narrow hallway with no clear end. She opened the door and pulled me through it, leaving the guards petrified.

"Okay, what the hell was that?!" I shouted at her. "That was a completely different person in there!"
"It was an act, dummy," Lucy replied, treating it like it was nothing. "You gotta play the part."
"Is that always how you act around here? Because if it is, I'm surprised everyone hasn't already quit by now!" I said, shaking my head. "You think it's been easy? Just the look of this place makes me act like that! Do you know how many targets I've had to destroy, how many test subjects I've had to hold back on just enough to spare their lives?!" She shouted. I looked into her eyes, and noticed she was close to tears.
"Lucy..." I muttered, hating to hear about her suffering. But she tried to remain strong, by shaking away the thought.
"I'm sorry," she said. "That was uncalled for. Let's get going."

-Lucy P.O.V-
We walked down the corridor in near silence.
I shouldn't have harassed him like that, I thought to myself. There was a long staircase at the end of hall which led to the second floor. Erza's room was on that level, just to the right of the staircase.
" easier than I thought it would be," Nastu said, looking around cautiously for guards.
"Most of the authorities leave me be," I replied. "They think it's easier to gain my trust that way."
"And why do they want your trust exactly?" He continued.
"They...need me for something," I said, thinking back. "Something important."
He simply shrugged, not really that ready to involve himself in council business.

"So it's up these stairs, right?" He asked, peering upwards beyond the staircases. I nodded, making my way up them before him.
After walking a little down the hallway on the next floor, we reached a set of double doors.
"She should be in here," I told Natsu. Then I placed my hands on the doors and pushed them open.

-Natsu P.O.V-
We both charged through the doors, into a giant bedroom. There was a four poster bed again the back wall in the centre, with white and gold lace sheets. The room was filled with matching furniture, from coffee tables to drawers and closets. And sitting on the windowsill was a girl with long, scarlet hair. She was wearing a red kimono and had a furry shawl hanging on her arms and around her waist. Her hair was carefully decorated with various flowers and ribbons on both sides, matching the kimono.

The strange thing was that it wasn't just her appearance which made me positive she was a Rosafelt child

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The strange thing was that it wasn't just her appearance which made me positive she was a Rosafelt child. It was the way she moved. Her slight head movement, her shoulders posed forward, her structure naturally perfect. But for some reason, I hadn't even noticed this on Lucy. But I quickly glanced at her for a short second, and I noticed it immediately. They all moved the same. Acted the same. They were like robots, raised to act accordingly. The council had literally tried to get rid of everything unique about them.
The woman turned her head towards the noise of the door, and her eyes lit up when she saw us.
"Lucy?" She muttered. Lucy immediately ran up to her and hugged her tightly.
"Erza!" She cried. "Good to see you're doing okay."
"You...came," she whispered. Lucy looked at her, confused.
"Of course I came...I promised you," She replied. Erza suddenly began to cry.
"They told me you were dead," she explained. "That you'd been slaughtered."

"That goddamn council!" Lucy shouted, kicking a chair over with rage.
"Lucy, calm down!" I said, trying to keep our
voices down.
"They can't just mess with my friends like that!" Lucy argued back, fuming. "Erza, I'm sorry you had to go through that."
Erza shook her head in denial. "It's fine. I had a hard time believing it actually- I guess part of me just knew that you weren't dead."
Lucy grinned, nodding in return. "I'm not gonna be taken down by that stupid council."
"Okay, we've got that out of the way. Now can we go please?" I added. Erza glanced my way, and it seemed to me that she'd only just realised I was here.
"Who the hell is this?" Erza asked gesturing in my direction.
"I'm just..." I muttered, afraid to make her angry.
"Erza, this is my friend Natsu," Lucy introduced. Erza gave me a death glare.
Guess I screwed up the first impression...
"Lucy," Erza began. She eyed me up, examining my appearance carefully. "This boy will be useless to us."
I was about to argue back, until I realised she was right. I would be useless in this fight, whoever or whatever we were against. I lowered my head, however Lucy didn't have a single doubt.
"Don't you dare insult him like that," she said back, annoyed. "Natsu is my friend. And no matter how weak he is now, I know he'll become strong. Maybe even stronger than you."
Erza stared at her, completely taken aback. Then she simply sighed and rolled her eyes.
"I'm not arguing over something like this. Come on, we need to get the others," she replied, heading for the door. "The council will realise your objective soon and they won't hesitate to use force."
We both followed Erza out of the door, then began to make our way to the next room. I glanced at Lucy, who was running alongside me. She noticed that I was staring, so she looked at me and smiled. I blushed, embarrassed to be caught admiring her. But despite that, and despite that fact that we were currently breaking into the most heavily guarded council base ever made...
I smiled straight back.
Yay, chapter three! Erza is kind of bitchy...but she'll lighten up eventually :)
It's weird to have Natsu being the nervous and careful one, writing it just makes me cringe and say 'Natsu would never say that' 😂😂😂
Anyway, sorry for the long wait, and like always...

The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu AU Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now