#Chapter two#

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I wake up at 5:30 am I get in my running outfit and put my hair up in a ponytail. I looked at myself in the mirror. I had peach skin,freckles, long curly brunette hair but most thought dirty blond. I was wearing a pink and black running tank top. With black and pink running shorts with my black and pink running shoes. I turned around you could see my tattoo wings but I didn't care. This is where I was going to have them this year. The top of the wings made it to cover the back of my shoulders. The end of the wings stopped at my shorts. I have to keep my wings in one place all year so that way if my shirt shows my tattoo one day but the next it's gone would not end up well. I set off for my run locking my room door I grab I jug of water and three apples I quickly run to the stable giving Brushes and Wind Striker each one I get my apple with them listening to them wicker softly.

I get up and dust my self off I remember the map said there were some mountain trails so I decided to take one of them. I run even though it's coldish the incline is making me work harder and I'm sweating. I take a short rest after about two miles I was looking at the back school. Even the back was pretty with sunlight hitting it just right. I turn and start running I look down cause I got a text from my mom when I look up I crash into this guy. I start to fall back then my gymnastics kicks in and I use my hands be for I hit the ground to flip and land on my feet. I looked up at him he was wearing black and grey running shorts and shirt. Also grey shoes. He had peach skin with some freckles and dirty blond hair.

"I am so sorry I wasn't looking."

"It's ok. My name is Chase."

"I'm Bri nice to bump into you. I smile at my pun."

He laughed "By the way nice moves today and yesterday. Gymnastics?"

I looked at him confused then I slap my forehead. "The car jump. Also yes 12 years"

"Bang you must have a ton of awards in your room."

I think back I have a couple of selfs wear my awards are also a small little chest with my medals in it next o my bed but it isn't guarded by blood magic. "Yeah although I am more proud of my archery awards but most of all my horses Wind Striker awards she is the best."

"I like a girl who's good at many things." He smirked

I smiled "Gotta run talk to you later." I run off and go back to my room I shower and change into I pair of shorts and a white and gray baseball shirt.  With grey shoes. I decided to take a walk around it was a really nice place there were some clothes shops and school stuff there was also a small cafe there was even an event board. There was a missing Pegasus. I signed up for archery club after school. I grab my self a water and go to the library. I go and I find a book on elemental powers and mutations. I was manly looking for information on my wings. I picked up a book and a girl picked the one next to me it was about elements of nature and there abilities plus how to guides. She had blond straight hair with green eyes she had on a flower dress. She had a peppy voice and talked fast.

"Hi my name is Rose. I'm a nature person and I'm having trouble with my powers plus I can't even find my room." She gave a forced laugh.

"Room 523?"

She gasped "how'd you know are you a spirt element?"

"I'm Bri were roommates. Also I have no idea what element I am."

She grabbed my arm and ran for the check out. She checked out her books first then I did. We talked on the way to our room. She also had a horse but she was just a unicorn. I guided her to her room. She loved the view and I helped her unpack.

I took out my map and found out where I could to archery. I grabbed my bow and arrow plus my arm guard and set out. There were a couple of kids there some throwing knives others with bows and arrows. I was shooting almost all my arrows hit bulls eye. I pulled back released the arrow it whent straight for the target. It was about to hit it when another arrow hit it I looked around and saw a guy who looked exactly like coal but this guy had blue eyes. He laughed at me. I glared at him he smirked at me. He walked over to me. Right as he came close enough I kneed him  in his manhood.

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