Chapter 3

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Going to bed last night was strange. The quietness was terrifying and unnerving. I usually have the comfort of Soda's breathing, Pony's sleep talking, and Darry's snoring. Even when I was with Elaine, I had some noise to go off. Eventually, I fell asleep, and everything was great. I didn't have any dreams, and I didn't wake up during the night. But the sleep didn't prepare me for today.

We ate breakfast and immediately got dressed and left. Now I'm in a shop, and all I see are sundresses. I have three in hand, and I dread it. We've all been trying them on. Makenna looks adorable in them, and she likes them and. Elaine sounds like a model. I've never worn a dress before, so I'm not sure.

"Babydoll," Makenna says, "it's no big deal. Just try it."

I sigh and walk into the dressing room. I peel off the flannel and jeans. I look at myself in the mirror. I've worn the same training bra since I developed boobs, which was six years ago. My legs are hairy. Mama never showed me how to shave. She was planning on it though.

I slip on the pink sundress. It's hot pink, and it goes to my knee cap. The look scares me. My curves show and my breast show a little, but in a classy way, not rashly like Dallas's girlfriend Sylvia and the other trashy greaser girls. It makes me smile to myself. But it makes me feel different. I feel like I'm a...girl.

"Babydoll," Tasha calls, "you ready?"

I don't answer as I walk out. Elaine is smiling at something her and Makenna are talking. Tasha is smiling at them and then all of a sudden they look at me. Tasha's mouth drops, and so does Elaine's and Makenna's.

"You look beautiful," Tasha says.

Those words cut me off guard. My parents said that before, but I didn't take it seriously. I thought they were supposed to say that. But hearing Tasha say it, I feel beautiful.

Elaine and Makenna smile and squeal. I look at the mirror in the waiting room. The lighting defines me better out there. Besides the bruise on my face, I can see what they mean. My eyebrows are naturally good, and they fit perfect with the way my face is. I do look beautiful.

"Try on another one!"

I can't believe I'm doing this. It was the hot thing a second ago; now I'm cold about it. The scissors are so close to me. I'm getting a haircut with them. Well, I am. Makenna and Elaine are bleaching their hair to be like mine and then cutting it. Tasha is over in the corner getting her hair also done.

"So how short," the girl asks towel drying my hair.

"Here," I say motioning towards my chin. "I want it like a bomb."

"You sure? You have beautiful hair."

"Yes, ma'am."


Then I feel it. The silver scissors took off my hair. The weight of the hair falls away. Soon my hair is shoulder length. Then it's mid neck. And one more look to find that it's to my chin.

I get up from the chair and look at Tasha. She looks up and smiles.

"I like it," she says.

Makenna and Elaine both squeal. What is with the squealing?

I look at the razor in Tasha's hand. She's already done my under arms, so why am I freaking out over my legs? Then I feel it. The blade comes up my leg. A fresh air hits the spot with no hair. I would shiver, but Tasha says not to move.

After ten minutes she leg. She did my thighs also because I said to because I have short shorts we bought. She did the other leg in the same amount of time. Then she puts lotion on them.

"Why're you putting lotion on my legs?"

"Well, we don't need you to have a slight skin irritation do we?"

"Oh, okay."

She gets up, and I move away. I can feel the difference. The hair is cooler on my legs now.

"Now, I'm going to take a shower," Tasha says leaving the bathroom.

I nod and clean out the tub. After I get all the hair I can get out I go to my room. There are clothes on my bed. My clothes and not theirs. The clothes are new and not old, and they are clean, not dirty.

I get changed into the new under garments Tasha bought me. Then I put on the Babydoll night set and jump in bed. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I may like this. A lot.


I sit in the room I share with Ponyboy. I haven't slept in the last couple of days because of what happened. I didn't mean to do it. Babydoll just said it, and I blacked out.

I mean I think I know why I did, but it's stupid. My head says it's because you're stressed out. But I feel like that's not it. I feel like crap for it. What I didn't expect was Babydoll to fight back the way she did.

I mean she scratched my face so hard that I was bleeding. There's a bruise on my forehead from when she head-butted me and where she slugged me in the cheek. Damn it hurts still.

"Soda," Pony asks.

I look over at him, "Yeah?"

"Do you think they'll let Darry take us?"


"Do you believe he's coming for us?"

"Pone, he promised. Darry doesn't break his promises."

"What if we get adopted? I don't want to be separated."

"Ponyboy Michael that isn't going to happen."

"It happened to Babydoll."

My bruised cheek gets hot.

"Well, she let it happen to herself. She wouldn't have been if she didn't try. She did it on purpose. She doesn't love us. She only wants to have a mom and a dad. She would've left us if mom and dad died years ago. She doesn't care."

Ponyboy looks at me. He doesn't look like himself anymore. His green-gray eyes have turned gray, and his hair isn't brown anymore it's Auburn now. His face is starting to form differently too.

"Why do you think that?"

His voice is getting deeper too.

"Because it's the truth."



"No, tell me. Tell me why you think that?"

I don't answer. I can't explain Pony.

"I thought so."

Then he goes to his bed and gets under the covers. Great, now I've pissed off two of my siblings.

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