Chapter 23: It's Not Too Late - Edited

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean what I said?" Maria asked her.

"The last day we were friends, everything you told me. It was all true!"

Anastasia started crying and Maria tried to calm her, "It's okay Ann, it's all going to turn out okay. You've always been my best friend, I love you. I just needed my space, I needed to stand up for myself and Kayla and I couldn't keep talking to you knowing you would never do that."

"I am now," Anastasia said, "I'm sorry for being such a chicken. For being so scared of my brother. I don't know who I am without him."

Maria smiled, "I'm sure Kayla and Demi can help you with that. They are experts by now."

"Really?" Anastasia said looking over at me.

"Of course," I said, "but Demi is more of an expert than I am. Maybe we can have another party like the one we had to make the video. You're a part of us now."

"I can't believe you're so willing to include me," Anastasia said, "after everything I did to you, I mean I stabbed you."

"No," I corrected her, "your brother did. You are not your brother. You are nothing like him. You just didn't want to lose him so you obeyed him. That's completely different."

"Thank you," she said, "I will never be able to repay you."

"Don't worry about it," I told her, "Everything happens for a reason. It only makes you stronger. I'm glad to have gained a new friend. It's been happening a lot lately. It reminds me I'm not a horrible person like I thought I was."

"You were never a horrible person," Anastasia said, "we were. My brother, his friends, and I were. It had nothing to do with you. We had our own problems."

That's how it was for the next few weeks. Anastasia was scared to go home so she stayed at the hospital most of the time. Dylan went with her a few times to pack her things then he dropped them off at my house. I told Anastasia that we had a lot of extra rooms and she could stay as long as she wanted. We stayed up talking most of the nights, getting to know each other. We even had the nurses bring in a small cot for Anastasia then they moved mine and Maria’s beds closer together. Our parents were always stopping by and visiting. We were both healing really fast and the doctors arranged, by our request, that we get let out on the same day.

"I can't believe this is your house!" Anastasia yelled, "This is huge!!"

We had just got back home. David picked me up at the hospital, and Demi was with him.

I started laughing, "Yeah I get that a lot."

"So I get to live here?" she asked.

"Of course!" I laughed again, "This is your house now too! Go look around."

While she ran off David and Demi went with me to my room. Demi hasn't been visiting a lot, but she promised to make it up to me this weekend. With a career as famous as hers, I understand that she doesn’t get a lot of free time. That's when we planned our next party. It was going to be at David's house again while he was out of town. Demi said she had some big plans, and I wasn't allowed to go to David's until the party. She wanted it to be a huge surprise.

"I'm so glad you're back in town Dem, I missed you!" I said.

"I'm missed you too best friend!" she said sitting next to me on my bed.

"So how do we celebrate first?" I asked.

"With our announcement," David said.

"You have an announcement?" I said.

"Ahh! Yes!" Demi yelled excitingly.

"What's going on?" Anastasia asked, "What's with the screaming?"

"Oh come in!" I said, "They have an announcement."

"Okay, David you tell her!" Demi said.

"We just got the lead roles in a new movie!" David said.

"Really?! What movie?" I asked.

"It's a love story!" Demi said, "The story is incredible!"

"When do you start filming and where?" I asked.

"We start filming in 2 months," David said, "It's being filmed here so we won't have to leave."

"That's awesome! I'm so happy for you guys!" I said hugging them.

"Okay," Demi said, "Time for the party!"

"But I thought it was tomorrow?" Anastasia asked.

"Yeah it's not until tomorrow," I said.

"No it's not," Demi said, "It's tonight."

"Wait," I said, "what did you do?"

"I told you it was a surprise," she said, "now let's go."

David took my bag and Anastasia's bag down and Demi put her arm around me and led hme out my bedroom door. I grabbed onto Anastasia's arm and dragged her down with me. We were all smiling and laughing the entire way to David's house. I couldn't wait to see what Demi had planned. If I knew Demi, there would be a lot of glitter and it was going to be a blast!



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It Was A Mistake, But I am Unbroken Now - Demi Lovato - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now