#40 It's A Girl!!

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Pic of Ryan and Ricky


It was the weekend and I wanted to spend it in bed but that wasn't going to happen because I have annoying friends. Nina called me this morning asking me about last night so I told her about it, after my story telling she offered her and Josh's company saying it was mandatory for us to hang out today so now I'm here in my basement watching a movie with them...

"Lani can you get us a soda we are thirsty" Nina says batting her eyes "How do you know Josh is thirsty?" I look at him and he seem scared to death of disagreeing with Nina so I sighed and went upstairs to grab some snacks my brother was in the kitchen "Hey Baby sister" he says and riffles my hair I swat his hand away and he laughs "What you up to Kai?" he asked "Nothing just hanging with Nina and Josh downstairs he nods his head "Is Violet and that kid serious or is it like a fling?" I glared at him he wasn't going after Nina again and I'll make sure of that. He noticed I was glaring and chuckled softly "Nevermind Kai sheesh if looks could kill" he got up and walked out the kitchen I grabbed three cokes and a bag of chips and went back down to the basement. When I got downstairs Nina was straddling Josh's lap and they were eating each other faces I cleared my throat, Nina hopped off and blushed and Josh patted down his jeans to adjust himself. I shook my head and sat down in my seat on the couch and watched the movie a few minutes later the basement door opens and Chase comes down the stairs, I couldn't control myself from the excitement, so I jumped over the couch straight into his sexy arms "Hey Beautiful" he chuckled softly and I smiled into his chest I missed him so much. I breathed in his scent, Old spice and mint my favorite smell since I met him, Suddenly I realized he was back early I pulled out of our hug "Chase your back!" I looked at him confused he laughs "Obviously you just hugged me" I slapped his arm "No I meant like your back early I thought you were staying in Ohio for a while till your mom had the baby" I looked at his beautiful face and he gave me a smile "She did have the baby" I looked at him wide eyed "Would you like to met Baby Sophie?" I nodded with excitement he grabs my hand and we head upstairs straight over to his house, I haven't realized that Nina and Josh was behind us "Mom I'm back and I brought my lover and friends" Chase yells out, his mother walks out of the kitchen with a flat tummy and she looks amazing "Hey Leylani, Nina , Joshua here to see miss Sophie, she right in there" she pointed to the living room where a beautiful baby layed in a crib not a crib crib but more like a playpen I'm going off track here... Sophie was beautiful her olive skin was like silk and her little lips were pink and full her eye lashes cascaded down her cute little fat face and she had a head full of blonde thick curls for a new born. I looked at her and imagined what my baby would look like if I would have one with Chase, my thoughts were cut when Chase put his hands around my waist from behind and put his face in the crook of my neck "What are you thinking about" he whispered and chills ran down my spine "Nothing she's beautiful"  he kissed my neck and I moan softly feeling everyones eyes on me so I blush "Um me and Josh are going to go to the diner for lunch wanna come?" Nina gave me a devilish grin she knew I wanted to be alone with Chase why was she asking me this "We'll pass I need some time with my lady" Chase says and walks them to the door, I sat on the couch and stared at Sophie "Would you like to hold her?" Chastity voice came through my thoughts, I snapped my head up in her direction she giggles and repeats herself I shook my head yes, she placed Sophie in my arms and my heart melted I was in love. The phone rang and Chastity excuses herself and leaves, I stared down at this perfection and kissed her forehead her eyes fluttered open and I was met with the most beautiful shade of blue and gray her eyes sparkled with joy and I was deeply in love. Chase sat beside me and smiled "You look beautiful with a baby in your arms I can't wait to see you with ours one day" my heart stopped when I heard him say that, I looked at him wide eyed he laughs "What you don't want my baby?" he asked and I was lost for words, of course I want his baby or even babies, I was just shocked that he was thinking of this "Of course I do just... I wasn't sure if you was thinking about that yet" he slides closer and pulled me into his lap "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he kissed my lips biting it lustfully, I giggle and look at Sophie she looked a lot like Chase except for the blue hue in her eyes, I guess that was from Brody thinking of "Hey does Brody know she's born?" I guess he felt some type of way about my question cause his body tensed "No he doesn't know he doesn't want anything to do with her why?" I shrugged "Just asking" he pulled me off his lap and walked to the kitchen. I felt piece of me break when he walked away, I placed the baby back in the crib and she closed her eyes and fell asleep, once she was completely sleep I went into the kitchen Chase wasn't here only Chastity on the phone, she looked at me and pointed to the stairs which meant he was upstairs I smiled and headed up I walked pass a room I never seen before so I stopped and peeked in, it was Sophie's room the walls were lavender and baby pink the furniture was white with pink bows by the window was a rocking chair and there sat Chase I walked in "Chase are you OK?" he looked up and gave me a weak smile "Yes I'm fine" he sighed and stood up and walked over to the door and pushed me out and closed the door behind us. We head to his room I plopped down on the bed and he closed the door and climbed in bed "Chase what's wrong did I say something downstairs your acting weird" I asked concern he simply shook his head and sighs, I stood up and walked to the door "I'll see you tomorrow I'm not going to be here and be ignored" I grabbed for the door and he spoke "Baby stay!" I looked at him he sat up and reached for my hand, I walked over to him "Why should I stay your ignoring me if I done something wrong please tell me" I cupped his face and looked into his beautiful grey eyes I saw sadness and worry. He took a deep breath and held back the tears my heart broke and my own tears fell down my face, I have never seen Chase this way before then he spoke "I'm scared that Sophie is going to ask about Brody and my mom is going to struggle and tell her the truth about how he left our mom and doesn't care about her, it was hard for me to see my mom this entire pregnancy sad and lonely, I've always seen my mom smile and laugh.. I remember when my dad was alive my mom was filled with happiness and love she always made me feel happy even on my worse days and now that Sophie is born the happiness is force and it breaks my heart my mom loves her so much but I think sometimes she regrets her since she is part of Brody and she has to see him in her..." my heart was heavy when he told me this I felt his pain and I wanted to help but I didn't know how. I pulled him into my chest and he cried for the first time Chase cried in front of me. We layed in his bed for hours and eventually we had falling asleep.

A few hours pasted and I was feeling uncomfortable and woke to a empty bed, I realized I was still in Chase's room , I got up and walked over to the door and headed downstairs Chase was in the living room with his Mom watching TV, the baby was fast asleep in her arms, she noticed my presence and nudged Chase and smiled and left the room "Night Mom" he called over his shoulder "Good night guys see you in the morning" she headed upstairs, I sat down on the opposite side of the couch and waited for him to speak he didn't so I did "I'm going to go home I'll see you tomorrow I guess" I was about to get up when I was pulled into his arms "Why are you always trying to leave me" he kissed my neck and I moan loudly he chuckled softly and kisses my lips "Your being distant I feel like you don't want me around" he kissed me gently and licks my lips "Of course I want you around, I always want you around ,I'm sorry baby forgive me for my behavior today" I nod and he takes me upstairs and we climbed into his bed he layed down between my legs and slowly pulled at my jeans "Stay tonight it's late" he asked while kissing me senseless. I was speechless and horny and wanted nothing more then to stay but I needed to go home "Chase baby I can't" I sighed and pulled away "Wwwwhhhhyyyyyy" he whined and I giggled "Cause I have to help my mom with something in the morning so I have to be home" he looked disappointed "Fine but leave your back door open I'll be there in a few minutes" I laughed and agreed. He walked me to the front door I quickly ran home, I took a quick shower and jumped into bed then two seconds later Chase was in my room climbing into bed, I snuggled up in his arms and fell fast asleep just like old times I missed this...

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