Vlad's Return

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"Rin, are you okay?" Kuro asked his friend when he saw Rin's bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks.

Lizzy, of course, didn't understand Kuro, so she repeated the question without knowing Kuro already asked. "Rin, are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm fine..." Rin trailed off. "Would you guys believe me if I told you that I traveled back in time?"

"Rin, you're the son of Satan and, technically, his representation. Honestly, I can't be surprised anymore." Lizzy smiled.

"Lizzy's right. Of course we believe you!" Kuro meowed.

"I got to see him again...my Dad." Rin sniffed, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Shiro?" Kuro meowed, eyes tearing up as well.

"Yeah." Rin nodded.

Lizzy furrowed her eyebrows, confused. Rin smiled slightly, eyes still watery. "Kuro wondered if it was Shiro."

Lizzy put her hands to her mouth. "Oh, Rin..."

"He understood, he never blamed me. He still loves me, he doesn't hate me." Rin shakily smiled, tears dripping down his pale skin. "It felt...I can't describe it. I felt like my chest was about to burst. I got to see him again..."

Kuro meowed in a sad cry. "Shiro!"

"I wish you could have been there, Kuro," Rin said to his friend.

"Me, too. I'm just happy that I know he's died in peace," Kuro meowed, trying to hold back his own waterworks.

"That makes two of us." Rin smiled in relief, biting his lip and gritting his teeth to hold back tears.

Lizzy didn't know what Kuro had said, but whatever it was, Rin seemed to agree with relief, so Lizzy didn't ask.

She hugged the boy. "I know you'll have to go home one day, probably very soon. I'll miss you, I hope you know that. I'm not going to keep you here because of my own selfishness, just know that I hope you'll be happy wherever you go."

"Thank you, Lizzy." Rin smiled at the woman.

Lizzy smiled back. She knew Rin had more secrets, ones that weren't his own, but she didn't pry. Whatever it was, Lizzy was just glad Rin was okay. Any other secrets could stay in the closet.

The secret of Rin Okumura was enough for her.


Vlad scowled down in his lab.

Why was he hiding? True, he was terrified, but he'd been hiding long enough, hadn't he?

Still, the lingering fear was still present, then Vlad's mind clicked.

Satan wouldn't be able to attack him in public, it would be bad to reveal his identity.

Of course, he couldn't stay in public every hour of the day, but Daniel's buffoon of a father, Jack, would surely welcome him with open arms. Maybe he would be able to get them to help him.

Vlad grinned darkly.


Maddie furrowed her eyebrows when a knock sounded on the door. Jack glanced at her and smiled. "I'll get it, Mads!"

He raced to the door, and Maddie followed, simply worried that whoever was at the door would be at the mercy of Jack's eccentric nature.

When Jack opened the door, the two stared wide eyed at a disheveled Vladimir Masters.

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